America Under Siege: Robert Spencer Exposes the Jihad Threat from Campuses to Compounds

By Brannon Howse
March 16, 2025

Folks, if you caught my latest sit-down with Robert Spencer of, you know we’re in a fight for the soul of this nation—and the West. From Marxist Jews siding with Hamas on college campuses to Islamic police twisting history in Canada, from Sharia compounds in Texas to Turkey’s Ottoman dreams, the threats are piling up. Robert Spencer, a fearless voice on the jihad threat, joined me to break it all down, and what he revealed should wake you up fast.

Campus Chaos: Marxist Jews and Hamas Sympathizers

Let’s start with the kids on college campuses. They’re storming Trump Tower, waving Palestinian flags, and screaming for Israel’s destruction. What’s confusing? Some of these are Jewish kids—Marxist Jews, as I call them—defending Hamas, a terror group that butchered 1,200 Jews on October 7th. I told Robert I’m more Jewish than some of these folks—my Jewish friends say the same—because I actually care about Israel and the Jewish people. But these leftists? Their god is collectivism, and Israel’s refusal to assimilate drives them nuts.

Robert nailed it: “Leftism is their primary value in life.” They’re turncoats, ethnically Jewish but ideologically anti-Israel. It’s so convoluted—Jews versus Palestinians, now Jews for Palestinians—that regular Americans can’t keep up. And that’s the point: confuse people so much they tune out. As I warned Robert, this chaos is deliberate, and he agreed—it’s a tactic to paralyze us.

Take Columbia University. Robert’s headline at Jihad Watch says it all: “Dems rally for Columbia University jihadists whose group endorsed Hamas and murder of Jews.” One young punk openly backed Hamas, inciting violence. He should be deported—visa rules are clear—but over 100 leftist lawyers are defending him. This is a showdown for Trump: will he boot these America-hating jihadis, or will the left force us to keep them? The next four years hang on it.

Canada’s Islamic Police: Victims or Villains?

Up in Toronto, a Muslim police liaison had the gall to say October 7th sparked a wave of conversions to Islam because people wondered, “Why are Muslims so hated?” I couldn’t believe it. He flipped the script—1,200 Jews massacred by Hamas, and he acts like Muslims were the victims! I told Robert this guy’s either stupid, a liar, or both. Robert agreed, calling it an old trick: after 9/11, the media painted Muslims as the real victims of “Islamophobia,” ignoring the 3,000 dead Americans. Same game here.

Worse, these are cops! Robert warned that Western leaders, obsessed with the “religion of peace” myth, are shoving Muslims into every level of society—police included. Imagine you’re Jewish in Toronto, attacked, and these two show up. Whose side are they on? Or picture your family swatted—like my friend Joe Pags was this week in Texas—and Islamic cops roll in. Are they in on it? Robert cited the Quran: “Ruthless to unbelievers, merciful to one another.” That’s their playbook, not “to protect and serve.” DEI and forced retirements have gutted our police, leaving us with this trash.

Syria’s Christians and America’s Future

In Syria, jihadists are telling Christians, “You’re next.” The Alawites—nominal Muslims who don’t buy into jihad—are getting slaughtered too. Robert explained they’re an odd Shiite offshoot, distrusted by Sunnis and even some Shiites. After decades of hostility toward Israel under the Assads, they’re now begging Israel for help as Sunni jihadis close in. Irony doesn’t cover it.

Here in America, Robert sees the same storm brewing. As our Muslim population grows, we’ll get no-go zones like Europe—Sharia enclaves where non-Muslims are threatened. History proves it: Muslims and non-Muslims don’t coexist peacefully. New Jersey just declared a town the “capital of Palestine”—a symbolic jab. In Texas, Yasser Khadi’s building a 402-acre Sharia compound. Governor Abbott’s huffing about it, but he let Colony Ridge—a massive illegal immigrant sprawl—happen under his nose. Robert predicts riots, violence, and demands for special treatment if Khadi’s compound takes root. It’s a script played out worldwide.

Turkey’s Ottoman Ambitions and Europe’s Fall

Then there’s Turkey. Erdogan’s not hiding his dream of reviving the Ottoman Empire. Robert says Syria’s chaos is a Turkish takeover—jihadis massacring Alawites and Christians are his proxies. Former PM Davutoglu even claimed Gaza’s Turkish territory because the Ottomans once ruled it. Erdogan’s eyeing Israel, Syria, and beyond. Robert’s blunt: kick Turkey out of NATO. They’re no ally.

Europe’s already crumbling. Jihad Watch is blocked in Britain and parts of Europe—truth’s a crime there. Canada just dropped an “Islamophobia” guide that called criticizing anti-Israel activists racist, but only after a backlash. Still, European leaders threaten Americans: “You’re not out of our reach.” Post something they don’t like, and they might nab you if you land in London. The International Criminal Court (ICC) just hauled the ex-Philippine president to The Hague—judges from Romania (which canceled an election) and Uganda (a Christian-killing communist hellhole) presiding. I told Robert I’m worried they’ll come for us next. He agreed: if Trump doesn’t stop the ICC, foreign agents could arrest Americans on our soil for free speech.

Wake Up, America!

Folks, this is where we’re headed—a global system where truth-tellers like Robert and me are dragged off by clowns in robes. Americans will wake up saying, “How did this happen?” We’ve been screaming it for decades! Visit—read Robert’s books like The Critical Quran—and educate yourself. Support us at so we can keep sounding the alarm. The jihad threat’s not “over there”—it’s on our campuses, in our police, at our borders. If Trump prevails, freedom wins. If not, kiss it goodbye.


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