Gender Insanity | December 12, 2024

Robert Knight is a former Los Angeles Times news editor and columnist for the Washington Times as well as other publications.  Robert has had senior positions in a number of pro-family organizations.  He’s written several books including, The Coming Communist Wave: What Happens if the Left Captures All Three Branches of GovernmentLiberty on the Brink and Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud.

Bob began by noting that we’ve seen gender dysphoria harnessed to school policies to the point of pushing such dysphoria.  He went on to describe this as wrong as it goes against nature and nature’s God and it’s made up because there are only two sexes.  To deny that is to deny truth and reality.  Other than the children who are victims of this, Bob views this as an assault on truth as we see people who tell the truth on this issue being labeled as haters and deniers.

Young victims of this movement are dealing with peer-pressure and all of us are subjected to phrases such as ‘gender affirming care’ and ‘sex assigned at birth.’  Add in women’s sports being affected and it’s no wonder we have gender insanity.  

Through points brought up in his latest article, Transgender Delusion Must End, Robert has more to offer as he explains what he believes is taking place and where this is headed.  Jim also poses questions of concern and callers present their views to wrap up this edition of Crosstalk.

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