Brannon Howse: Aired December 6, 2011


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Part Two on the rise of the woman that rides the beast: Topic: The one-world religion that will be the woman that rides the beast will give credibility to a one world leader that will turn on the Jewish people and slaughter them just as religious leaders gave credibility to Hitler and set him up to eventually murder six million Jews. Does the Church of Rome have a history of anti-Semitism? During the brief pontificate of Pope Paul IV (1555-9), the population of Rome was decimated by almost half, with the Jews the main victims. Three hundred years earlier the church had put Jews in ghettos and “obliged them to wear on their chest, to their public shame, a yellow circle of cloth.” Hitler admitted that what he learned he learned from the Jesuits. Hitler told Bishop Berning in 1936 “I am only doing what the church has done for fifteen hundred years, only more effectively.” Topic: One Jesuit declared that the dialectic process was key to the future of the Church of Rome. How do Jesuits set up the conflict between opposites in the area of economy, religion, and communism verses Marxism and what is their objective in doing so.

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