Brannon Howse: Aired on November 22, 2010


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Topic One: Brannon gives you an encouraging report. Several young people in their mid-twenties talked with Brannon after the Des Moines Worldview Weekend Rally until 1am. These young people are on fire for God and want to make a real difference. This testimony should encourage you to not give up and it reveals that many are looking to be Biblically challenged by Biblical worldview teachers just like yourself. Topic Two: Is it negative and wrong to name the names of false teachers? Sadly after our Worldview Weekend in Rockford, Illinois on Sunday night November 21, 2010, we were informed that the church we had been renting for the past few years does not want us to return. Worldview Weekend in Rockford has consistently had a large attendance and many of them are regular listeners of this radio program. What is most sad is that this is the church in which Brannon's wife grew up and has included five generations of her family dating back to her great grandparents. Worldview Weekend is thankful for the churches that will allow us to rent their buildings but the increasing trend is that we are being forced to rent more and more hotel ballrooms because so few churches have leaders, staff, and pastors that have clear discernment, real courage under fire and an unwavering commitment to Biblical truth in an age of non-judgementalism, tolerance and Christian happy talk. We were told that three months before last night's rally the church staff had voted for Worldview Weekend not to return in 2011 because our 2009 rally was thought by some of the church staff to be too negative and that it was inappropriate to name the name of false teachers. The 2009 speakers had included Brannon Howse, Dr. Erwin Lutzer and Dr. David Reagan. In his 2009 speech Brannon spoke on the topic of his book Grave Influence and Brannon did name such false teachers as Brian McLaren who has said the cross and hell is false advertising for God, Bill Hybels that signed the Yale document on Muslims and Christians and has had McLaren at his church. Brannon also mentioned Rick Warren who sits on the advisory board of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation that seeks to bring the religions of the world together. Dr. Lutzer spoke on seven lessons America should learn from Nazi Germany and Dr. Reagan spoke on 50 signs we are living in the last days. Warning the church of the emerging dangerous, unbiblical trends and false teachers and looking out for the sheep has now become negative in the eyes of many of today's hirelings. (John 10:12-13). Listen to an audio of Pastor John MacArthur as he explains how Jesus named the names of false teachers and how this is the job of all Biblically minded Christians. We also will hear a clip of Pastor MacArthur as he calls out Rick Warren for teaching a false gospel. Brannon has warned for several years, as he did in his 2009 Rockford presentation, that the greatest opposition for those seeking to uphold an uncompromising Gospel and proclaim Biblical truth will come from within the church. Brannon and Melissa Howse and Worldview Weekend will not be deterred in speaking truth no matter how unpopular. Topic Three: Brannon shares how thankful he is for his wife and that her response to this weekend was for him to shake the dust from his shoes and go out and find a hotel ballroom. Melissa told Brannon that he must continue to bring the Worldview Weekend to Rockford because of all the people, including life-long friends, that come up to her at the resource table to express their thankfulness that Worldview Weekend returns to Rockford, IL each year. If you live in Rockford please know we will return and have already secured a hotel ballroom for the November 2011 Worldview Weekend Rally in Rockford, IL. Topic Four: We take your calls.

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