Brannon Howse: Aired October 27, 2010


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Topic One: A junior in high school that has more discernment than most Christian adults. This junior wrote Brannon to thank him for the two Worldview Weekend rallies she attended because it was through the rally that she was made aware of the dangers of Rob Bell. Sadly, her Christian school Bible study is using Bell's book but she will not participate. This is why Christians must expose false teachers so we can protect adults and students. Topic Two: A pastor from Oklahoma e-mails Brannon to ask him who appointed him to expose false teachers. Another pastor e-mailed some of Brannon's speakers to ask them why they speak for him when he takes on false teachers by name. Brannon has warned you that persecution and opposition was coming at the hand of those who call themselves pastors. Topic Three: How Christians use Matthew 18 out of context. Topic Four: Why do even some of our Bible teachers believe that to address certain issues means we are being political when indeed these are Biblical issues first and foremost? Topic Five: Air force Academy announces "lay leader for the Academy's Earth-Centered Spirituality community." Topic Six: Washington Times reports that Obama has appointed most U.S. gay officials than any president with 150 during his first two years. Topic Seven: Obama calls those who oppose him "enemies" and he says republicans need to go to the back of the bus. Topic Eight: We take your calls.

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