Brannon Howse: Aired September 26, 2011


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Brannon’s guest is Robert Spencer of Robert reveals Rick Perry’s push for pro-Islamic curriculum in Texas schools and some of Perry’s troubling Islamic ties. Why have conservatives largely ignored Perry’s troubling associations and his push for pro-Islamic curriculum in Texas? In addition, Spencer explains why it is dangerous for evangelicals and conservatives to believe they can find common ground with the followers of Islam. Perry is also in favor of in-state tuition for illegal aliens and he has said that same-sex marriage is a state right’s issue. Perry claimed that he was lobbied on behalf of the HPV shot for minor girls by a 31 year-old women with cervical cancer. ABC News reports that Perry met the 31 year-old women after he had signed the executive order mandating the vaccine. What does all this say about the discernment of pro-family leaders that have embraced Rick Perry?

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