Brannon Howse: Aired September 27, 2011


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Topic: In a July 1953 congressional hearing, a former communist tells congress that the goal was to neutralize the church by training pastors in social justice in order to establish a collectivist society and build a new world order. Topic: Google technology will replace credit cards. Topic: James McDonald and Mark Driscoll to host T.D. Jakes? The conference website says they will have “blunt conversations between seven influential pastors who share a common love for the Gospel.” Are these pastors saying that T.D. Jakes and his prosperity gospel is the same gospel they love? Topic: John MacArthur explains the tithe was part of the theocracy of Israel and not for today. He says 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 is guideline for giving today. Topic: Authors of a new book say that the prosperity gospel is “pagan teaching with a Christian face.”

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