Brannon Howse: July 5, 2010


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Brannon's guest is Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media. Topic: Unmasking the real worldview of Alex Jones. This national talk show host is very popular even among many Christians but is Jones really committed to a Biblical worldview? Is Jones really a liberal provocateur? MSNBC is trying to paint Jones as a leader of the Tea Party when reality is, Jones has interrupted a Tea Party speaker with a bull horn. Brannon and Cliff discuss The dangerous beliefs of Lyndon LaRouche and Alex Jones. Jones is not and never has been a conservative. Jones has much more in common with the left than the right. Conservative activist Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, who began his conservative career in Young Americans for Freedom decades ago, has written that, "Forces led by Lyndon LaRouche and, in my opinion, Alex Jones, are working deep inside our movement to see it implode into fights, caused by distrust and hatred. I believe they are manipulating the media to show the freedom movement as simply a band of nuts not to be taken seriously." We also take your calls on this topic.

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