Brannon Howse: July 7, 2010


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Topic One: What do some of America's so-called evangelical pastors and Christian leaders have in common with Communist revolutionaries? Answer: They are all pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. Topic Two: Why would these pastors become pawns for Obama? Topic Three: John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute tells us about the National I.D. card that amnesty legislation will include. How will a National I.D. card implement tyranny and government control of our lives? How could this national I.D. card help establish a world economy as the Bible predicts? Constitutional attorney John Whitehead answers these questions? Topic Four: The Communist Party USA is using American, Mexican Communists and revolutionaries to push for amnesty so they can ""defeat the ultra right in the November elections and to strengthen the CPUSA's (Communist Party USA's) work among this section of the population." The Communist Party USA has also called for "'getting a massive vote against the ultra-right in the primaries and in the midterm general election Nov. 2." The CPUSA also speaks of amassing "the key oppositional forces to the right-wing." The CPUSA also says "Mexican Americans are strong supporters of the Obama administration's efforts to move away from the right wing policies of the past and to move for progressive reform…" So, pray tell, why are Christian leaders like Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention, Leith Anderson of the National Association of Evangelicals and Bill Hybels of Willow Creek Church in Chicago praising Obama's amnesty plan, pushing it and giving it credibility? Where are the leaders of the SBC? Why are they not stopping Land from using whatever credibility the SBC has left, to send out press releases and give interviews pushing Obama's agenda? Are these so-called Christian leaders like Land, Anderson and Hybels in agreement with the full scope of Obama's amnesty plan or are they just ignorant? Topic Five: We receive a phone call from a lady whose father was a pastor in Germany and was imprisoned for opposing the apostate church that was going along with Hitler. This caller now lives in America and says history is repeating itself in America as pastors and Christian leaders line-up to support and push the agenda of an ungodly leader.

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