Brannon Howse: June 11, 2010


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Topic One: Further research reveals that almost every state in America has a sustainable development plan but by the name of smart growth or a comprehensive plan. While Washington D.C. is indeed robbing us of our liberties, it also turns out that almost every state in the union is voluntarily implementing the sustainable development plan of the United Nations without a mandate from Washington D.C. Topic Two: Why Brannon believes the culture war is lost? John Adams writing to Thomas Jefferson explains how a nation loses liberty and never gets it back. If indeed America has passed the point of no return, how should Christians respond? Christians must still vote and must still stand against evil and unrighteousness as we seek to be salt and light but our real time, energy and resources must be geared toward Biblical evangelism and discipleship. The culture war may be lost but the spiritual war can be won and will be won by the remnant. Topic Three: Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention joins liberal Leith Anderson of the National Association of Evangelicals in D.C. to lobby Nancy Pelosi for amnesty. This is really the moral imperative of the day as SBC churches are melting down and kids are leaving the faith in huge numbers from the SBC and other denominations? The Nazarene Church proclaims that the central moral imperative of the day is the care of God's creation. There is a serious crisis within most church denominations and if we cannot reclaim the churches and denominations why do people really think we can reclaim the culture. Topic Four: The SBC a few years ago could not even pass a resolution that clearly denounced the occultism of Freemasonry but instead choice to leave it up to each individual church. The SBC had no problem kicking Broadway Baptist Church of Houston out of its denomination in 2009 because the church reportedly has homosexual members. If they SBC can take a stand on that issue why can they not take a strong stand on the occultism of Freemasonry? Could it be because the south is filled with Freemasons and many SBC members, deacons and pastors are Freemasons? Until our church denominations stop playing games and compromising on issues as clear cut as the occult, the church in America will continue to have little impact on the nation and the culture but instead will simply be a reflection of the culture.

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