Brannon Howse: May 19, 2020


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Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Brannon begins the program by discussing the fake science behind the Coronavirus over-reach, tyranny, and socialism. Brannon reminds his listeners that Nazi Germany used doctors, and so-called experts to convince Germans to go along with the tyranny of the Third Reich by using fake science. The fake science of the Nazis declared the Jews spread disease and were a threat to the common good. Whether it is global warming, pandemics, embryonic stem cell research or socialist medicine that conceals active euthanasia; all these are promoted through fake science. Topic: Some hyper-calvinists pastors are publicly declaring that the 3,000 pastors in California that have signed a petition to open their churches are being selfish and a bad witness. Once again these hyper-calvinists are using Romans 13 out of context to push their propaganda as they give aide and comfort to enemies of America, the U.S. Constitution and the gospel while they falsely claim to be standing for the gospel with their twisted scripture and hireling behavior. Topic: You can go to Lowes, Home Depot & Walmart but not church? The press sit for months listening to a politician during a press conference but Americans cannot do the same & listen to their pastor teach? This makes no sense. This has been huge campaign of propaganda & misinformation. Topic: Because the Antichrist comes in peace, does that mean there will be war before he arrives, and do you think war will also precede the Rapture? If so, in what ways should Christians prepare for disasters? Topic: Because the Antichrist comes in peace, does that mean there will be war before he arrives, and do you think war will also precede the Rapture? If so, in what ways should Christians prepare for disasters? Question: What is the difference (if there is one) between those that preach and teach dominonism and those that teach a great end-times revival via the outpouring of God’s Spirit (Joel 2:28-32)? Is the outpouring in Acts 2:16-21 the same as in Joel 2:28-32 or is this passage for Israel only and is being inappropriately used by those teaching replacement theology? Question: Concerning Romans 1 18-32, can this be considered post-rapture prophecy? Question: Is it true that the Reconstructionist Movement teaches that the rapture will not remove the believer from the world but the unbeliever (as per Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43; 24:40-41) and is this a proper use of Scripture?

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