Religious Trojan Horse Documentary Audio Book

Religious Trojan Horse

Religious Trojan Horse

‘Certain Men Have Crept in Unnoticed’

Brannon Howse echoes the warning of Jude 3—as urgent now as the day Jude first wrote the words almost 20 centuries ago. Godless worldviews have been eroding Europe’s and America’s Judeo-Christian heritage for years, but now the problem has taken a dire turn for the worse. While false teachers have been around since biblical times, infiltration of the church has increased alarmingly, just as Jesus predicted in Matthew 24.

Well known evangelical and pro-family leaders have joined in events, alliances, and common causes with a shocking array of unbiblical partners. As a result, many contemporary “Christian” leaders embrace and encourage the false Jesus and false gospels of Mormonism, the New Age Movement, Roman Catholicism, Word of Faith teachers, the New Apostolic Reformation, Eastern Mysticism, and the spiritual left.

Our bitterest philosophical enemies have made it past the gatekeepers of both mainstream and evangelical Christian thought, and anti-Christian worldviews have assembled within the walls of our churches. As a result, hostile forces wreak havoc in the minds and hearts of believers who are caught unaware.

In Religious Trojan Horse, Brannon exposes the outrageous breach of integrity in the Church, compromised by popular and dangerous teachings that are anything but scriptural. With thorough and precise documentation of every claim and accusation, Brannon shows exactly who is to blame and how. In this book, you’ll discover:

  • How the philosophy and eschatology of false religions have infiltrated evangelicalism;
  • The saboteurs who have convinced 21st century evangelicals to embrace and promote heresies of the social gospel, dominion theology, ecumenicalism, mysticism, social justice, and communitarianism;
  • The real and present danger that a false church has brought “soft” persecution to biblically committed Christians—with worse to follow;
  • The potential for an apostate Church to become the catalyst for the coming New World Order;
  • How the Harlot Church of Revelation 17 will do the bidding of a one-world leader;
  • The threat that mainstreaming a blend of “signs and wonders” with mystical “Christianity” has already conditioned unaware sheeple to accept a one-world leader;
  • That the pro-family “industry” and its “culture war” have been an easy mark for infiltration by enemies of the Gospel;
  • How Rick Warren, Tony Blair, Joel Osteen, C. Peter Wagner, Glenn Beck, Mikhail Gorbachev, the Rockefellers, Mike Bickle, Rick Joyner, Peter Drucker, Jim Wallis, Tony Compolo, Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, and others have assisted in building the religious Trojan horse.

Brannon explains how the world’s religions are converging through a syncretism now supported by evangelicals. His revelations will shock you at first. Then you’ll likely be tempted to despair. And make no mistake, the situation is grim. Yet Brannon offers hope simply by opening your eyes to what is happening and what still can be done. He charts the path on which we can return to truly biblical teaching, preaching, and raising of our children.

“Certain men” are indeed creeping in unnoticed, but God is still in charge—and working decisively through those who will not exchange any of the truth for a lie. Religious Trojan Horse will help you become one of the ones stand against the invaders.