Transhumanism is the new one-world religion

  • Transhumanism is the new one-world religion

    As we reported last week, Joe Biden’s September 12 executive order forming a National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative pivots the entire federal government to support, fund, advance, and embed transhumanism into the fabric of American culture, economy and overall ethos. “Transhumanism has evolved from an idea in sci-fi novels into a secular religion for many,” reports Wesley Smith in his new article, Transhumanism: A Religion for Post-Modern Times.Patrick Wood, editor-in-chief of, makes a point in his summation of Smith’s article that seems obvious but few people will make the connection and you won’t hear anything about this in the corporate media. Wood states: “If transhumanism is a religion, then Biden has just instituted a state religion, which is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Read this article (below) word for word.”