Advice to Christians: Defend life, prepare for persecution

Advice to Christians: Defend life, prepare for persecution
Chad Groening and Allie Martin - OneNewsNow - 
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With the prospect of a liberal Democratic leadership taking hold on Capitol Hill, two evangelical leaders are counseling fellow believers to stand firm in defense of Christian liberties and freedoms against the possibility of radicals in Congress overreaching their power.

 Dr. Richard Land, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, says after the devastating defeat at the hands of the liberals, pro-family Christians must be prepared to make solid arguments as they look to the future. "They need to point out the mistakes that [President-elect Barack] Obama makes when it comes to overreaching," Land urges. "I think he'll be pressed hard to overreach by the radicals in the Democratic House and Senate."
Persecution on the horizon?Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, believes Senator Obama was elected, in large part, because the church in America has failed to address sin in its own ranks and also in society. Perkins says Christians should pray for and return to a biblical model of holiness and righteousness. And believers in America, he adds, should prepare for persecution.


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