Allen West on WikiLeaks, the Election and Trust in Government

In a wide-ranging interview on the #MediaMadness podcast, Lt. Colonel Allen West (Ret.) discussed topics including the danger of America’s insecure borders; a strategy to defeat ISIS and the terror threat abroad; social engineering in the U.S. military; media bias; academic bias and the recent protest of his speech at St. Louis University, and the potential impact of a Hillary Clinton presidency. West is also a member of AIM’s Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi [1].

While discussing the media coverage during the 2016 election cycle West stated:

“This is more of a Pravda media than a free media. And this is very disconcerting because without a doubt—and I think the WikiLeaks emails have shown—there’s a collusion between the media and also the Democrat Party and the progressive socialist ideology.”

Commenting on the social engineering being implemented in the American military, West asserted that “Taxpayer dollars should not be going toward sex change operations for people that have a mental condition called gender dysphoria. Taxpayer dollars should be going to make sure our men and women are equipped to go onto the battlefield and protect our way of life.”

When asked how America would change under a Hillary Clinton presidency, West enumerated a variety of detrimental consequences and said:

“But most importantly Alex, I think what you will see is the institutionalization of criminal behavior because there is no doubt that what Hillary Clinton has done—and there’s just so much evidence, so much proof—it has been criminal, it has been deceitful…”

“And you see a government system—name me one real government agency that the American people can trust. They can’t trust the Department of Justice, they can’t trust the FBI, they can’t trust the IRS, they can’t trust the State Department, the military is being torn apart, so where do the American people put their faith and trust and confidence in our federal government? Nowhere. Especially if Hillary Clinton is elected president.”

You can listen to the full interview below:

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Alex Nitzberg is an intern at the American Journalism Center at Accuracy in Media and Accuracy in Academia. Follow him on Facebook [3], Twitter [4] and Instagram [5].



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