America Is Not Babylon

America Is Not Babylon

The purity of Holy Scripture is a miracle of miracles.  Read any passage in the Bible and then do a little research.  You will find clear interpretation for that Scripture.  Words that the Spirit used can never be understood properly by pulling a meaning out of the air.  The word "water" when used as a type is always the Word of God.  When God says "Jerusalem," He means the chosen of God.  It is either His chosen city or His chosen people.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Babylon is used in the Bible over 295 times.  When the Bible says "Mystery Babylon," He speaks of a religion that has become evil and corrupt because "Babylon" is the seat of Satan.  When He says "Babylon" without a modifying adjective, He means Babylon the city, which was founded by Nimrod.  To try to identify America as Babylon is utterly contrary to Biblical interpretation.  Using that kind of method to study the Bible leads to all kinds of misunderstandings.  Always let the Bible interpret itself.
Mystery Babylon is clearly the End Time apostasy of false Christianity.  The seventeenth chapter of Revelation is the most noted example.  A harlot woman is another Biblical type of corrupt Christianity.  A pure woman represents the pure faith of our Lord.  The harlot woman is the opposite.  When you put "Mystery Babylon" with the "harlot woman," you have a double picture of the utter false religion of the Seven Years of Tribulation.  It is religion at its lowest manifestation in human history.  This is the church of the Antichrist.
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