Beyond Revoice: Part 1: LGBT Agenda Recruiting Youth Pastors & Targeting Your Teens?

Much attention has been brought to focus in the last two months on the July 26th Revoice Conference and yet few SBC and PCA leaders have clearly denounced the bold claim of Revoice to “promote LGBT+ Flourishing  in historic Christian tradition “. Dr  Albert Mohler finally commented in The Briefing on Friday June 22nd but was very careful about his choice of  words -asserting the best about Revoice participants ” It’s very important to take the organizers at their word ….  What’s most important at the onset to recognize is that those who’ve organized this conference are identifying as Christians who adhere to the historic Christian sexual ethic, and what’s also important is to understand that this places this conference in a very different place than others who are also talking about the LGBTQ issues. And some of those others are arguing for a reversal of the historic Christian biblical understanding of sexual morality and of sexual behavior. ” Dr. Mohler DOES NOT MENTION  that Nate Collins ,the founder and president of Revoice , spent 14 years at Mohler’s SBTS, has two degrees ,a full academic specialty on gender and related topics , and  has presented his writings as an SBTS Scholar.  Mohler DOES NOT MENTION the Revoice ideology is based on Dr. Mark Yarhouse who was commissioned by TGC to develop the whitepaper used by Seminaries, Christian universities and  campus ministries like RUF, CRU , and InterVarsity  which has now come full bloom in July’s Revoice “LGBT+ and Queer Christian “Conference. While ignoring these realities as he has will Dr. Mohler ALSO IGNORE that his disciple is taking the Revoice message to TEENS in our churches to CULTIVATE  LGBT+ identity via the YOUTH PASTORS ?


  Now it is time for all Evangelical Leaders like Dr. Albert Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary , Russell Moore of the Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission , and The Gospel Coalition co-founders Tim Keller and D. A. Carson to step forward and denounce Revoice and this surge mainstreaming LGBT+ Christianity. There is NO OTHER OPTION  if they plan on having any remaining credibility whatsoever. The movement behind this radical effort to normalize LGBT+ in the church is in full step with the tactics and goals of Human Rights Campaign and Planned Parenthood .These secular entities have not forgotten the church plays a major role in opposition to their goals and they need to subdue it- seduce it and DESTROY THE CHURCH . HRC and Planned Parenthood  love to bypass parents and family and promote their agenda directly to youth at ANY AGE as  a HUMAN RIGHT.  HRC LOVES  to capitalize on the conflicted emotions of people  and their faith, of people and their gay family ,of parents and children.

Is the church about to be led to do the same?

Is this IDEOLOGY not out to target TEENS with the total LGBT+ package as the next STOP on the Revoice founder and worship leaders TOUR begin RECRUITING  the YOUTH MINISTERS ? Youth and new young, inexperienced ,idealistic  ministers can and will bypass parents, senior staff members at churches  and embolden those students who have sympathies toward the cultural popularization of “its hip to be LGBT+” . Trans is the new PUNK for awkward teens seeking attention and to be an ally of LGBT+ friends is GLSENs dream for  the Gay /Straight Allies movement . Now the effort is to bring it HOME to the HOUSES  of worship!




 In October 2018 two of the key leaders of the Revoice  Conference , Nate Collins (SBTS) and Gregory Coles  (endorsed by The Gospel Coaltions D. A. Carson and many others) will be speaking in Cincinnati Ohio at the DEVOTED FOR YOUTH PASTORS  Conference along with a  ministry entitled LOVEboldly . Collins is on the Board of LOVEboldly Inc. and it carries endorsements from Emergent heretic  Brian MCLaren, who in 2012 presided over a Same Sex marriage of his son Trevor and is considered one of the leading figures in the train wreck of postmodernism infiltration into mainstream Christianity . (More on McLaren later)






(NOTE   No mention is ever made about teen/youth escaping identity of LGBT+ Christain )


“Saddled with expectations from parents, congregation members, denominations, and the leaders who hired them, youth and young adult pastors face a unique challenge in providing effective pastoral care to their LGBTQ+ student. Is it possible to maintain a traditional Biblical view on sexuality, yet remain devoted to the youth in your care who identify as LGBTQ+? Join us for this one-day seminar that will equip you to take practical steps towards loving the LGBTQ+ students in your community with a new boldness, while avoiding common pitfalls that erode relationships, harm your students, and damage those who identify as LGBTQ+.

Presenters will offer a Biblical framework for reconciliation that frees Christians to emulate Christ’s incarnational love without compromising deeply held beliefs on sexuality. Hone your skills and practice strategies for building “treasonous friendships” across deep theological and ideological divides that typically challenge our loyalty to one another. Invite God to guide you towards deeper healing in your closest relationships and gain practical take-home skills and tools to inform your life of ministry.

LGBTQ+ Christians will share their personal stories and insights towards answering your toughest questions and challenges in your life of ministry.”



Nate Collins  and Gregory Coles are working with Alan Chambers who is well known for having dismantled  Exodus International from within after becoming its last president .

Devoted looks to bypass adult staff and parents and reach out to the youth pastor to help him/her provide effective  “pastoral care” for LGBT+ student in their/your church youth group. Collins who ,again, honed his expertise at Dr. Albert Mohlers Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Gregory Coles who has received hearty  endorsements of TGC and many in the PCA/ SBC camp (including the “Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood ” currently headed by Denny Burk) have just what a confused teen needs in your church youth group. A person who spent 14 years at Dr. Mohlers SBTS and still identifies as “homosexual  in a mixed orientation  marriage ” and Coles  who identifies as  a”single Gay Celibate Christian ” may be able make some of the cultures most desperately wrong narratives seem normal to the young believers hearts and minds.


* Social Media and Website information used under Fair Use Laws to inform the public .


From DEVOTED Conference Biography



“Dr. Nate Collins, (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the president and founder of Revoice, an evangelical organization that supports, encourages, and empowers gay, lesbian, same-sex attracted and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality. Speaking from his own experience as a gay man in a mixed orientation marriage, Collins is committed to helping faith communities include LGBT people in the family life of the church. He is the author of All But Invisible: Exploring Identity Questions at the Intersection of Faith, Gender, and Sexuality (Zondervan, 2017). Nate has been married to his wife, Sara, for thirteen years, and they have three children.”


Gregory Coles

Coles is the Worship Leader for Revoice is also speaking at the DEVOTED CONFERENCE FOR YOUTH PASTORS and is endorsed by D. A Carson and Denny Burk and others in TGC ,


Featured Speakers: Devoted Conference Biography 


“Greg Coles is a piano player, a baker, a writer, a worship leader, and a Ph.D. candidate in English, not necessarily in that order. He grew up on the Indonesian island of Java, where he fell in love with language learning his older brother’s SAT vocabulary words and reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet at age 8. Greg is the author of Single, Gay, Christian: A Personal Journey of Faith and Sexual Identity (InterVarsity Press, 2017). His fiction and expository writing have been published by Penguin Random House and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and he writes about his obsession with Jesus at His academic research on rhetorics of marginality (how language works in society for disadvantaged groups) has appeared in College English and Rhetorica.




( As the researcher who broke the Revoice concerns  it should be noted that those concerns are even greater now given the intentional targeting of TEENS in our churches . My wife and I returned in 2010 to the church she had grown up in named  Shades Mountain Independent Church (SMIC) near Birmingham AL. The family of my wife helped found the church under a wonderful ,evangelistic pastor and it was ,in reputation, one of the most conservative congregations in the city. Under a new pastor  Harry Walls ,20 years later, the church had aligned with The Gospel Coalition. This was not widely known. The DNA by this time was the trusted conservative reformed influence  of John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in CA. and in 2011 the church converted to an elder led governance.


In spite of deep pastoral ties to Masters College and Seminary SMIC was following in the Lausanne and Tim Keller mode of “City Reaching” with its primary outreach ministry. These efforts included ministry ties to Government funding and progressive politics ,especially on LGBT issues under the Obama administration . Several very disturbing events took place over a 3 to 3 1/2 year period. A book by a Gay Celibate Priest Sam Allberry (who now endorses Revoice ) was given to our church teens without Parents being allowed to screen it and soon after this a teen of 14 yrs old began to openly self identify as the opposite gender.The teen was allowed to remain active in the youth group influencing other teens. By 2015 that same gender confused teen worked as a mentor at the churches VERY popular and trusted “conservative” Summer youth CAMP WITH OVER 900 CHILDREN AGE 6-9 ATTENDING .


After three years of expressing GROWING concerns as these events and as others unfolded, in November 2015 my wife and I were branded as troublemakers in a failed attempt to force church discipline by the relatively novice elder Board. By April 2016 , while we were out of  town , my wife and I were identified and announced from the pulpit to be in some unspecified sin. This was the first of TWO such announcements. The lead Pastor Harry Walls had retired in the midst of these concerns and moved  to CA to work at Masters College (now University) and would not engage the issues left behind.


Other compromises with the LGBT movement continued unaddressed especially related to the outreaches of the once evangelistic congregation. Our concerns over INFILTRATION  within church youth groups, youth events  and youth pastors by the LGBT movement remain on VERY HIGH ALERT  for obvious reasons. Given the message of Revoice is now TARGETING Teens through the Youth Pastors, we cannot be SILENT about such deception.


Revoice mentor Preston Sprinkle and his organization Center for Faith , Sexuality , Gender  play  a key role in the movement and Revoice in particular and yet, like Mohlers ties to Collins, John MacArthur / Masters Seminary provided two degrees and perhaps ordination to Preston Sprinkle . Still , like Dr Mohler , John MacArthur has not spoken to this issue and concerns. It is our sincere hope that someone of high regard among evangelicals will rise up and call their disciples to account and openly DENOUNCE and  REPUDIATE   Revoice it’s ideology of “LGBT+/ Queer Christianity ” and the movement in TOTAL. Time will tell and yet the movement is advancing rapidly.  )




Christian Psychologists can’t provide a Biblical narrative for human sexuality while compliant with the America Psychological Association and yet  the work of TGC/ ERLC / CBMW and MANY  seminaries including SBTS and Covenant Seminary (PCA) in St Louis (where Revoice is being held) all welcome the work of Psychologist Mark Yarhouse who TGC commissioned in 2010.


In 2016 LOVEboldly did a conference called RESTORE with Mark Yarhouse and the formerly side B Celibate – suddenly flipped to side A gay affirming -Julie Rodgers . Rodgers was on staff at the Chaplains office at Wheaton until she flipped to affirm open homosexuality and gay marriage just after Obergefell SCOTUS decision . Rodgers is a personal  hero of many in the Revoice line-up though they claim adherence  to side B -celibacy or “mixed orientation  marriage “as their “Christian Sexual Ethic”  Mark Yarhouse develops ,including in his work for TGC/ Christ on Campus  Initiative for Trinity Evangelical Divinity School , the case for establishing the validity of Sexual Orientation and thus a Sexual Identity . He then facilitates the pathway to merging Sexual identity with Faith Identity equaling Gay Christianity or LGBT+ Christianity . Yarhouse most often prefers using the phrase “Sexual Minority ” in the church. He has also done extensive development of gender theory for the church and according to Dr. Albert Mohler , asserts that “Gender Reassignment surgery is the most viable answer for some who experience Gender Dysphoria “. Yet even Dr. Mohler who owns Sexual Orientation denies the possibility of Surgery as an answer to GD that reflects “a Biblical Worldview”. Still Dr. Yarhouse work is reflected and core to Revoice and LOVEboldly and much of the work of founder/ board member Collins. It should be noted that Julie Rodgers is soon to be married and her fiance ,a woman ,is tied to pro LGBT group the Human Rights Campaign.


RESTORE by LOVEboldly 2016


Dr. Mark Yarhouse

Mark Yarhouse, Psy.D., is the Rosemarie S. Hughes Endowed Chair and Professor of Psychology at Regent University. Dr. Yarhouse was named Senior Fellow with the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities Read More




Julie Rodgers

Julie works for restoration within communities that hope to learn from those on the margins. She has served as an advisor to sexual minorities at Christian colleges during a time of tremendous cultural Read More













Note that Christy Messick worked with both HRC and Mathew Vines Reformation Project

both of which are side A -fully affirming of LGBT+ marriage and sexuality .


Christy Messick is a graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary where she completed her Masters of Divinity in 2012. Christy has ministered in various national and international contexts and has a heart for LGBTQ+ youth and young adult discipleship. She has extensive experience working with those seeking to reconcile their faith and sexual orientations and has worked as a Fellow in the Religion and Faith Department of the Human Rights Campaign, located in Washington, DC. She participated in the inaugural Reformation Project, which seeks to transform church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity. Christy serves as the editor of Owning Our Stories, a place where LGBTI people, their parents, and friends can own their stories by sharing it with others. She also blogs about faith and sexual orientation and serves as a founding board member of LOVEboldly (2011-Present). Christy lives in Georgetown, KY with her wife, Sarah.





Nate Collins sees Russell Moores ERLC as an LGBT+ ally in his 2016 BLOG  entry .


“Give to a charitable organization that either helps LGBT people in crisis, offers Christ-focused support services, or promotes awareness, dialogue, and peace as genuine Christian values. LoveBoldly, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and the Gay Christian Network are all good options, as well as the GoFundMe site for the victims and their families.





LOVEboldly  Missions Statement



“Empowering willing Christians, LGBT+, and same-sex attracted individuals to step towards loving one another boldly.

Our vision is one in which reconciliation to God, self, and others at the intersection of faith, sexuality, and gender identity is made possible. We are deeply persuaded that agreement with one another’s political, theological, moral, or philosophical perspectives is not essential for moving towards loving one another boldly. Instead, we can emulate the God who moved into our neighborhood and befriended us while we were still God’s enemies. In an attempt to model God’s self-sacrificial love, demonstrated in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we dedicate ourselves towards living the following values. ”

Further Values Stated by  LOVEboldly

Core Values

God moved into our neighborhood and befriended us while we were still God’s enemies. In an attempt to model God’s self-sacrificial love, demonstrated in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ, we dedicate ourselves towards living the following values.

Offensive Sanctuary: We will not exclude anyone from the table or from the conversation, no matter how inglorious their presence may be.

Treasonous Friendship: We will not permit personal or communal loyalties to ideology, labels, or tribes to prevent us from befriending each other.

Conflicted Conviction: We will not trample over or ridicule each other’s beliefs, even though they make us wildly uncomfortable.

Subversive Listening: We will not ignore or invalidate each other’s stories, knowing that to listen is to invite change in the world’s systems and in ourselves.

Narrative Honesty: We will not shy away from honoring truth wherever it is found.

Insolent Kindness: We will not fail to be good to each other, always honoring the dignity and inherent worth of every human being.

Obstinate Loyalty: We will not give up on or dismiss each other, no matter how angry a conversation makes us.


Our Statement of Beliefs
We are deeply persuaded that agreement with one another’s political, theological, moral, or philosophical perspectives is not essential for moving towards loving one another boldly.



“I’m a huge fan of LOVEboldly. They are accomplishing pivotal reconciliation work in the conversation on faith, sexuality, and gender identity. Their efforts make safe spaces for dialogue between LGBTQ and conservative Christians alike, breaking down stereotypes that often divide us.”


Albert Mohler commented on in 2005 on the destructive influences of Brian McLaren and yet his SBTS graduate and NT Instructor Nate Collins work is  endorsed by McLaren.


“McLaren effectively ransacks the Christian tradition, picking and choosing among theological options without any particular concern for consistency. He rejects the traditional understanding of doctrine as statements of biblical truth and instead presents a variant of postmodernism–effectively arguing that doctrines form a language that is meaningful to Christians, even if not objectively true. He claims to be arguing for “a generous third way beyond the conservative and liberal versions of Christianity so dominant in the Western world.” …

“The Emergent movement represents a significant challenge to biblical Christianity. Unwilling to affirm that the Bible contains propositional truths that form the framework for Christian belief, this movement argues that we can have Christian symbolism and substance without those thorny questions of truthfulness that have so vexed the modern mind.”





Alan Chambers served as president of Exodus International for 12 years, garnering WORLD magazine’s “Daniel of the Year” designation in 2011 for upholding historic Christian doctrine teaching on sexuality and helping offer compassionate help for homosexuals who sought to leave the lifestyle behind. ( Shortly after that, Chambers began to reveal his new and troubling views on homosexuality, such as saying unrepentant homosexuals can be saved. Against the wishes of other Exodus leaders, Chambers shuttered Exodus in 2013, apologizing to the LGBT community for the “pain and hurt” Exodus had caused. Today, Chambers works openly as an LGBT activist, embracing so-called “gay” marriage , denouncing Reparative Therapy, Attending PRIDE Parades, and preaching at Washington National Cathedral during LGBT PRIDE month.


Chamber Biography  At DEVOTED Conference

Also Featuring Conversation Partners:


Alan Chambers is perhaps best known as the final President of Exodus International, the largest ex-gay ministry in the world, which he closed in 2013 with an apology for the harm he believes conservative Christianity has done to the LGBTQ+ community. He has been interviewed by nearly every major media outlet in the world and has authored 3 books including his recent memoir penned with his wife, Leslie, My Exodus: from Fear to Grace (Zondervan, 2015). Alan writes for magazines, newspapers, and online publications upon request. His family and friends know him best as Leslie’s husband, Isaac and Molly’s daddy, for his great sense of humor, love of decorating (both homes and people), and shoe collection. Alan serves as the President of The Alan and Leslie Chambers Foundation, a consulting and counseling outreach encouraging greater inclusivity for LGBT people in faith communities and providing support for individuals and families navigating the complexities of faith and LGBT realities. The Chambers are founding members of Grace Church and live in Alan’s hometown of Winter Park, Florida. Facebook: @AlanManningChambers and Twitter: @AlanMChambers


LOVEbolbly And Nate Collins Advocate Christians  Attend /Participate in PRIDE Parades.

Few American Christians would ever consider attending or taking their children to a PRIDE event given the near nudity , Sadomasochistic displays , and historically offensive behaviors for which these events had become known. Yet LOVEboldly  participates .


June 23 at 10:50 AM · 

A little rain won’t stop us from sharing God’s love at #CincyPride today!

 6 people, people smiling, outdoor

                                                                                                                                                            Nate Collins also recommends Christians attend PRIDE events in his blog

despite the fact the June events  mark the celebrations of the “Stonewall  Inn riots rooted in sexual liberation, gay prostitution , drug abuse , corruption between some NYPD officers and the Mafia who owned the Greenwich gay bars and exploited the gay community extorted closeted customers who patronized them.


Collins Blog Post June 13th 2016

“If your conscience permits you, attend a gay pride event this month. Not many straight conservative folks know that gay pride events commemorate the Stonewall riots that took place on June 28, 1969, and are an occasion for LGBT people to remember the violence against their humanity that that event represents. In my opinion, a conservative Christian can attend a gay pride event in solidarity with the shared humanity we all have as image-bearers of God”


LOVEboldly members are also is working with Jim Wallis Sojourners “Summit for Change “and Gay Catholic Jesuit Father James Martin.




June 13 at 12:36 PM · 

Please join us in prayer as Heidi and Paula (our founder and a board member) are at the Sojourners#SummitForChange Gathering. Below is a from Heidi M. Weaver-Smith.

“Honored and thrilled to be part of the Sojourners #summitforchange gathering in D.C. this week, with so many great folks! Let’s get this party started!”

 one or more people and text

 3 people, people smiling, text


March 31 · 

“We are called to the wait of the Christian, which is called hope. It is an active waiting; it knows that, even in the worst of situations, even in the darkest times, God is powerfully at work, even if we cannot see it clearly right now.”


About this article





Father James Martin: Holy Saturday teaches Christians the right way to wait

We are called to the wait of the Christian, which is called hope.


LOVEboldly also participates in LGBT+ Lunchtime Bible Studies with Christ Church Cathedral .



LOVEboldly is at Christ Church Cathedral.

February 21 · Cincinnati, OH · 

“I haven’t been to a Bible Study in a decade.”

This is what one new friend told us today at the launch of our second Bible study for LGBT+ folks, many of whom often feel left behind or unsafe in their faith communities. We are very excited about how our little community is growing and for the chance to share God’s love with new folks!

We are grateful for this partnership with Christ Church Cathedral. What a blessing!







Nate Collins, though a Southern  Baptist Theological Seminary graduate and instructor

has no problem working on the Board , fundraising and speaking at conferences for LOVEboldy , involving themselves with  Brian McLaren, Alan Chambers, Sojourners (Jim Wallis ) , Gay Catholics ,even Jesuit Father James Martin ? Dr. Albert Mohler has no problem with his long time student/ recent graduate / and traveling SBTS scholar sporting credentials representing SBTS and Reformed Southern Baptist  movement’s flagship Seminary? When will it all be enough to persuade Dr. Mohler and others that their disciples are proving problematic enough to speak up? Will Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, ERLC/ TGC  , Tim Keller,  D. A. Carson others go along with the Revoice aims to target our TEENS in our own churches?




Nate Collins and Gregory Coles are becoming well traveled leaders of the Revoice and Devoted youth movement. In a post on social media the two take a selfie and labeled  it “Roomies 2.0” as they appear to share a room for the night. This issue is not personal simply a matter of those who claim special status as sexual minorities in the church not aslo be allowed to be given exempt status on standards of personal ethics/ purity and the avoidance of the appearance of evil .



Nate Collins is with Greg Coles.

December 4, 2017 · 


Roomies 2.0!

 2 people, people smiling, closeup


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Ray  did the room crumble beneath the amount of greatness that was in it?




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 · Reply · 30w


Ben  What sort of trouble are you two boys up too?




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 · Reply · 30w


Sharon They do have a sort of innocent yet mischievous smiles on them. 


This is , again, not an attempt to be personal and involved in private affairs of these two people but given claims by Albert Mohler and his circle of Revoice reviewers of the creators and speakers of Revoice “commitment to a Christian Sexual  Ethic” it is honest to ask “what other SBC/ PCA/ ERLC /TGC ministers would be allowed to room together as  a married Heterosexual man to a single heterosexual female who were traveling in ministry together . What other exception to the rules are expected for the church to make ? Again ,what about even the AVOIDING the mere appearance of EVIL?


Revoice speakers ,including Collins came down heard of Conservative Resurgence icon Paige Patterson in the Jonathan Merritt (pro LGBT+ / SBC writer) led assault with NO “selfie” picture of Patterson with a single young female room mate . Where is the fairness and Christian LOVE here? If this is not as implied – the two guys rooming together while traveling , perhaps Nate Collins and Gregory Coles can meet in an open forum with this writer and some other former homosexuals now born of the Spirit and identified ONLY as new creations  in Christ who were refused reservations for Revoice in St Louis . Many would welcome such a sit down for discussion/ debate and in an open forum for Q and A.





Nate Collins

May 9 · 


I haven’t shared nearly as many articles about recent revelations of sexism in the upper echelons of the Southern Baptist Convention as I’ve wanted to (#selfcontrol), but when I see female SBC leaders I respect amplify a specific perspective on the matter, I think it’s important to use my voice to support them.

About this article


Conservative evangelical women are calling out a leader’s sexism. It’s a huge moment for #MeToo.

More than 2,500 Southern Baptist women have signed a petition denouncing denomination leader Paige Patterson.




The church is rapidly being taken into dangerous waters where entire denominations have crashed into the rocks of unbiblical /heretical assumptions  and been crushed by the winds and waves of prevailing cultural antagonism to God , the Gospel ,His Word and Christian Faith. What is most different here  today is the COMFORTABLE MIXTURE  of left  and right, or Biblical and extra biblical , theology and philosophy , deadly sexual ideology and boast of fidelity to creation, and above all the MIXTURE of DARKNESS  and LIGHT .

Add to that the fact that many of these players out to “Promote LGBT+ FLOURISHING  in historic Christian tradition ” come from our own conservative institutions and seminaries and wear the brand and approval and credentials of some of our most TRUSTED leaders like Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Tim Keller and D. A. Carson. Where does it end ? If these leaders and others do not speak up- the movement behind Revoice will be in your church, your youth group and the hearts and minds of your teens  -brought to your HOME from the most unlikely source – your CONSERVATIVE BIBLICAL CHURCH !



2nd Corinthians 6:14- 17  ” Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,”






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