Biden Used TIGER Grants to Set The Table For Gulftainer That is Linked To Russia, China & Iran To Take Over Cargo Terminals

Shady Biden Port Deals Placed US At Risk From Russian, Chinese Club-K Container Missiles; Biden’s TIGER Grants Set The Table For GULFTAINER

Click Here to Listen to Lt. General Thomas McInerney, (3-Stars) U.S. Air Force (Retired), Author and Researcher Mary Fanning on this topic with Worldview Radio host Brannon Howse. Brannon's guest is also Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being compromised by the Communist Chinese and government of Russia. 

By WVW Broadcast Network Columnists Mary Fanning and Alan Jones 


* Joe Biden used Department of Transportation TIGER GRANTS to set the table for GULFTAINER, a foreign company linked to Russia, China, Iran, the former Iraqi regime of Saddam Hussein and Saddam’s Iraqi WMDs, to take over shipping container terminals at two U.S. strategic seaports, Florida’s Port Canaveral and Delaware’s Port of Wilmington.

* By upgrading America’s critical infrastructure ports in the years and months leading up to the foreign takeover of those very same ports, Joe Biden set America up for potential “unrestricted warfare” attacks that could be exponentially more devastating than the September 11, 2001 attacks.

* These port infrastructure upgrades were paid for with millions of dollars in Obama-Biden Stimulus infrastructure grants known as TIGER GRANTS (Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery Grants).



THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup "The Political Crime of the Century": How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn ... and everyone else (KINDLE EDITION) 89D/



"THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup" is a summary of a multi-year investigation by national security journalists Mary Fanning and Alan Jones of The American Report into the supercomputer surveillance system known as THE HAMMER.

John Brennan, James Clapper and Barack Obama illegally commandeered the powerful foreign surveillance tool, THE HAMMER, in order to domestically spy on their political enemies.

CIA whistleblower and contractor Dennis Montgomery built THE HAMMER in 2003 to keep America safe after 9/11. Military sources unequivocally state that THE HAMMER worked. THE HAMMER also protected U.S. troops on the battlefield.

Montgomery became a whistleblower and handed over 47 computer hard drives of illegally-harvested surveillance data to the Department of Justice and the FBI under two limited immunity agreements in December of 2015.

FBI Director James Comey and FBI General Counsel James Baker, with DOJ Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis, buried that proof of illegal surveillance rather than act upon it.

Whistleblower Montgomery states Barack Obama, John Brennan, and James Clapper used THE HAMMER to spy on Donald Trump and General Michael Flynn. Montgomery also asserts that Brennan and Clapper had Supreme Court Justices (including Chief Justice John Roberts) , FISA Court judges, 156 Article III judges, over one hundred Members of Congress, business leaders, journalists, law firms, U.S. military officers, and defense contractors under illegal surveillance.

The Deep State launched the Trump Russian collusion hoax investigation in order to cover up the Obama administration's use of THE HAMMER illegal surveillance system that was transforming America into a Stasi-style police state.

When an admiral and a general presented The American Report's investigation into THE HAMMER over America's airwaves, a political tectonic shift began within hours. The very next day, FBI Director James Comey launched the Russian Collusion Investigation, placing none other than Deputy Assistant Director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division Peter Strzok in charge of that investigation.

"THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup" pulls all of the clues into place, exposing what President Trump calls "The Political Crime of the Century."

Click Here to Read This Entire Article

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