Big Inflation Coming

Big Inflation Coming
Late 2008's stock panic has certainly had a complex and multifaceted impact on popular psychology. Mindsets and outlooks that were scoffed at as recently as 6 months ago have suddenly become fashionable. One of the more intriguing is the meteoric rise to prominence of the deflation thesis.

The growing legions of deflationists see an unstoppable depression-like deflationary spiral approaching like a freight train. They cite some convincing data. The stock markets have been cut in half in just a year. In the past 6 months, some key commodities prices fell farther and faster than they did in the entire Great Depression. House prices are down by double digits across the nation, with no bottom in sight. And credit is a lot harder to come by today than in any other time in modern memory.
In light of these universal falling prices, how could we not be entering a sustained deflationary period? The case may seem airtight, but I'd like to offer a contrarian view in this essay. Believe it or not, despite 2008's price collapse there is plenty of overlooked evidence suggesting big inflation is coming. You won't hear much about this on CNBC, but it could have a big impact on your investments in the years ahead.Click here for complete article:


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