Canada Free Press Features Article on Brannon Howse and Worldview Weekend Rallies

Canada Free Press Features Article on Brannon Howse and Worldview Weekend Rallies


Christian Hearts and Minds at Risk

 By Katherine Thomas  Saturday, January 16, 2010
Brannon Howse is the founder of Worldview Weekend, America's largest Christian Worldview conference series featuring the nationally known speakers Kay 
Arthur, Dr. Ron Carlson, Dr. Norm Geisler, Ken Ham, Dr. David Jeremiah, David Limbaugh, Dr. Dave Noebel, and others.  He is the author of many books, a radio and television talk show host, a columnist and researcher, and a tenor soloist.  His Internet site,, features news and articles by some of America's best known Christian Worldview authors.
Howse and his wife, Melissa, travel to at least twenty-five states during nine months of every year to bring faith to your doorstep through his Free Worldview Weekend rallies.  His rallies began in January of 1993 to train adults and children in the Biblical Christian Worldview.  This year alone his program has trained 50,000 Christians.  This number does not include those reached by his television and radio programs, Internet site, online courses, DVD's, and his annual Training Institute.  Also, his popular spiritual curriculum is taught in many churches. 
A code blue crisis in Christian Worldview training has been declared because there is a spiritual crisis in America.  An emergency exists, and an intensive response is necessary in order to care for the Christian hearts and minds at risk in our nation.  Immediate spiritual resuscitation is vital, or the vibrant Christian faith that many of us share will soon be dead.
Howse seeks to train everyone to understand our perilous times and acquire a Biblical Worldview that we can apply to economics, education, family, government, history, law, science, social issues, and religion.  The goals for his free Worldview Weekend rallies are:

  • Teach Christians apologetics, the branch of theology that deals with the defense of essential Christian doctrines.
  • Teach Christians to think like Biblically minded Christians through Worldview training.
  • Teach Christians to evangelize like Jesus did using the Ten Commandments.

I had the opportunity to attend a Worldview Weekend rally in Jackson, Michigan last October.  It was an exceptional program with a phenomenal spiritual message of hope and encouragement that we need to share everywhere in our distressed country. 
Howse spoke about Saul Alinsky, Alice Bailey, John Maynard Keynes, Soren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Friederich Nietzsche, and Helen Schucman, all radicals whose worldviews did not die upon their death, but instead, rule America from the grave. 
The Karl Marx commentary was the one that gave my heart a great pause.  Marx was a parasite who lived off the income of his friend, Frederick Engels.  The hatred of capitalism and economic philosophy of Communism taught in America today comes from a lazy slob that wanted others to take care of him.  How ironic is that!
Marx so poorly cared for his family that three of his six children died of starvation while still infants, two committed suicide, and only one lived to become an adult.  Is it any surprise that he promoted hatred of the traditional family?  Who could give a rational answer as to why anyone would ever worship Marx's Communist Manifesto with that kind of family track record?  They would have to be very distorted minds.
Howse's newest book, Grave Influences gives us the haunting philosophy of 21 enemies of the Biblical Worldview and our Constitutional Republic.  The worldviews of these 21 radicals have converged to give us the United Nations Agenda 21 plan to be enacted through Sustainable Development policies at all levels of our government.  You can expect this radical Marxist plan of controlling every aspect of our daily lives and all of our resources to bring tyranny and global governance, despair, chaos, and mass murder.  This blue print has been used in many countries to advance their fall to Communism.  Only Marxists would want to create Alinsky's POLITICAL PARADISE OF COMMUNISM in our country!
The other speaker with Howse was Dr. Ron Carlson.  He presented the scientific evidence for creationism.  He pointed out that our school children are being indoctrinated with evolution, a philosophy that is not based on facts.  Of course, the Marxist revolution from within dictates that God and his teachings will be removed from the minds of our children.
Many American churches apparently are not fulfilling their spiritual duties.  It is painfully obvious that they have not trained enough disciples with the Christian Worldview; otherwise our country would not be in the current predicament.  I can see this problem clearly in my own Catholic Church.  The Pope, Bishops, and priests are more concerned about fulfilling their flawed Marxist political agenda than their more important spiritual agenda to help train Christian disciples.

Spiritually bankrupt leaders who embrace the principles of Lucifer and Marxism

Our local Catholic priest is a Gamaliel Foundation community-organizing ringleader of Baptist, Congregationalist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Methodist, and Presbyterian spiritually bankrupt leaders who embrace the principles of Lucifer and Marxism.  These deceptive leaders have radically hijacked their churches to march their congregation into political bondage.  This belief system is clearly at conflict with the Word of God! Does your church belong to this unholy network of dangerous community organizers?  Suggest to your 'spiritual' leaders currently on the Marxist track that they attend one of Howse's Worldview Weekend rallies to resuscitate their lost Christian faith.
Howse finds that young people are eager for Christian Worldview training.  How odd that our children are indoctrinated in the atheist views of Marx, even in many churches.  They have not learned enough Biblical Doctrine to enable them to apply the Christian Worldview to all areas of their life and defend essential Christian doctrines in the face of vicious opposition from militant Marxist atheists.  Are we not currently reaping the consequences of raising entertainment and sports-obsessed children that missed out on spiritual training?
You need to look no further than K-12 public schools and the college and university environments to see the grave influences that impressionable young minds face today.  What do you think is going to happen to our country if our children continue to be taught by public school teachers worshipping the ideology of Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers?  All roads lead somewhere.  Where do we think that road leads? 
Even more peril for your students will come from the college professors who aggressively indoctrinate them in their own radical worldviews.  It is a shame that many parents pay exorbitant college tuitions only to have their children preyed upon by Marxist wolves dressed as professors.
I remember sending our firstborn off for that marvelous college 'experience' to find out that the value system we taught him could easily have been disassembled had we not instilled such a strong Christian Worldview compass in him. 
Parents can sure find the time for sports and other activities for their children. But, shouldn't serious parenting also include spiritual nurturing?  Howse's Worldview Ministry helped save Christianity in our home, especially when we released our offspring to the dangerous college environment.  Fortunately, we wrapped Christian principles and values around the hearts and minds of our children at ALL stages of their schooling.  Their Christian Worldview helped them preserve their values when they left home.  Having Marxist wolves lurking in every corner and ready to pounce on vulnerable minds is a top strategy of the Marxist revolution from within, occurring in our country at this very moment.
Howse's free Worldview Weekend Rallies, two day Training Institute to train Christian Instructors, online classes, and his excellent teaching materials can help arm everyone with the spiritual tools needed for this holy war for our hearts and minds.  The Biblical Christian Worldview is the main obstacle for the UN Agenda 21 plan of the international Marxists.  Could this be why our Marxist leaders have worked so hard to take God out of our government, the media, and our schools?

The Gamaliel Foundation has been busy destroying the Christian church for years

The Gamaliel Foundation has been busy destroying the Christian church for years.  Let Howse help us with a spiritual awakening where we reclaim our churches and homes.  His two day Training Institute can help us become Christian leaders that will put God back and keep Him in His rightful place in our society.
We are all going to have to put on our running shoes to help disassemble the kingdom of Lucifer that has been under construction for many years.  Howse says that occultism/pagan spirituality, the apostate Church, the educational establishment, and the government-corporate complex are the four societal institutions being used to destroy Christianity and to build the One World Order under totalitarianism.
With the help of Howse's team of Christian Worldview experts, we can look forward to the day when God will be put back in our Constitutional Republic, as our Founding Fathers planned. 
We must prevail to preserve our position in the world as the beacon on the hill that others look to for freedom.  This is the BEST hope for the earth.
Sign up for one of Howse's free 2010 Worldview Weekend Rallies that will begin the New Year in Arkansas, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.  We are all going to have to become leaders in this Holy War in order to kick Lucifer out of our country and remove Marxism.
Godspeed to Brannon Howse and all others willing to fight this Holy War to reclaim our churches and homes under attack from Marxism.
For more information on the community-organizing Marxist church leaders of the Gamaliel Foundation:


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