Christian Leaders Urge Boycott of Thomas Nelson Publishers Over David Barton's Book,
The Jefferson Lies


Christian Leaders Urge Boycott of Thomas Nelson Publishers Over David Barton's Book,
The Jefferson Lies

Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at 11:00 am – 11:30 am

Cincinnati area African-American, white, and Messianic-Jewish pastors and church leaders are meeting at New Jerusalem Baptist Church (26 W. North Bend Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45216) to announce their boycott of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Their reasons are rooted in their opposition to the recently published book, The Jefferson Lies, by David Barton.Bishop Dwight Wilkins, president of The Amos Project, said, "We have privately approached Thomas Nelson about our concerns, with no resolution." The pastors/church leaders pointed to four major concerns the group has with The Jefferson Lies:
1. It glosses over Thomas Jefferson's unorthodox and heretical beliefs about Jesus Christ;
2. It minimizes and justifies Thomas Jefferson's racism;
3. It excuses Thomas Jefferson's practice of enslaving African-Americans.
4. The Jefferson Lies is riddled with factual distortions and falsehoods.

Rev. Damon Lynch said, "David Barton falsely claims that Thomas Jefferson was unable to free his slaves." In fact, Jefferson was allowed to free his slave under Virginia law, but failed to do it. The Jefferson Lies glosses over Jefferson's real record on slaveholding, and minimizes Jefferson's racist views.Rabbi Michael Wolf charges that David Barton also minimizes Jefferson's unorthodox views of Christ, his negative views of the Jews, and his contempt for the God of Abraham. Historian, Dr. Troy Jackson, says, "This book is inaccurate, this book is offensive, and this book is dangerous."

Presbyter Chris Beard said, "We are protesting as concerned believers in the evangelical Christian community, who believe that many are being misled by David Barton's teachings." Rev. Ray McMillian added, "You can't be serious about racial unity in the church, while holding up Jefferson as a hero and champion of freedom."_____________________________

Media desiring to attend the press conference should contact Rev. Damon Lynch, New Jerusalem Baptist Church, 513.821.0704, or Rev. Chris Beard, Peoples Church, 513.673.7405, [email protected] . More information will be provided at that time.


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