Christian theologian: Biggest threat to Christianity is “Christendom,” not Islam


Sinclair Ferguson, Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, states that the greatest threat is “probably Christianity in this century.”:

That’s a greater threat than Islam. Christendom. A far greater threat to Christianity than Islam is. Islam can never destroy the Gospel, but Christendom can easily destroy the Gospel and is destroying the Gospel.

Ferguson is spreading a dangerous message and perpetuating a blindness and navel gazing within the Church. This reduction to irrelevance in the current day has caused the Church to lose numbers, “lose its salt,” and lose its compassion for victims of jihad terror. Worst of all is Ferguson’s implied message that the world’s problems are the fault of Christians. Not only is this patently false message promoting an insensitivity about the sufferings of the persecuted Christian Church worldwide, but even worse, it minimizes the atrocities committed in the name of Islam against Christians and other minorities, and against women and girls globally. Ferguson absolves Islamic supremacists of responsibility while jihadists not only continue to wipe out Christianity in the Middle East, but have been attempting to destroy Israel since soon after its birth in 1948 and continue on that quest today.

Shame on Ferguson! Contrast his statement with that of the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch, John X Yazigi, who called the Church “the beacon of truth in this agitated world.” Yazigi also called on “Western partners to help keep Christianity in its ancient homeland,” knowing full well that Islamic jihad is to blame for its rapidly dwindling numbers.

If “theologians” such as Ferguson and this panel will heed the Scripture “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” the Church would be in better shape.

“Biggest Threat to Christianity in 21st Century Comes From Within, Theologians Say,” by Michael Gryboski, Christian Post,October 31, 2017:

The biggest threat to Christianity in the modern day comes from within, a panel of theologians said at an event hosted by Ligonier Ministries Tuesday evening to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

During a Q&A session, scholars were asked what they believe is the biggest threat to Christianity in the 21st century.

Sinclair Ferguson, Ligonier Ministries teaching fellow and Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, responded that the greatest threat is “probably Christianity in this century.”

“That’s a greater threat than Islam. Christendom. A far greater threat to Christianity than Islam is. Islam can never destroy the Gospel, but Christendom can easily destroy the Gospel and is destroying the Gospel,” said Ferguson, adding, “the Church is the greatest threat to real Christianity in the world. God help us.”

Stephen J. Nichols, president of Reformation Bible College and chief academic officer for Ligonier Ministries, also answered that the modern institutional Church can be a major issue for Christianity.

“Especially with the Church in America, we have far too casual a view of God and that might be right at the center of some of our theological malaise,” noted Nichols.

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