Is This A Church or a Broadway Show? What Would Jesus Say About a Flying Santa Claus, Snowmen, Dancing Santas & a Circus Mentality?

Is This A Church or a Broadway Show? What Would Jesus Say About a Flying Santa Claus, Snowmen, Dancing Santas & a Circus Mentality? Click here to see it all in this Fox News story:

Someone that took part in this concert told me it was Christ centered when I commented on this on Facebook. Christ centered? Someone that attended this show this year told me there was a joke in the program about baby Jesus being wrapped like a burrito. I also heard in this skit the lady that was acting like a child was reading the Christmas story and describing how the animals at the manger were singing "let it go, let it go" while Mary was giving birth. Is this Christ centered or sacrilegious? I do not think this is how we should talk about our Lord and Savior do you?

I am all for having fun and I can go to any number of programs put on by the world that include the trappings of Christmas and perhaps enjoy the secular concert, music and talent. However, when I go to a church I think we should present a program that is not like the world and that reveals the difference between the message of the world and the message of the true church don't you? I dislike liberalism and I dislike legalism! I am not looking to be legalistic but I am looking to see if what we do in the name of Christ is worthy of Him and not worthy of the world. 

This is the same church that was going to have neo-Marxist Jim Wallis for a luncheon until we exposed it on our radio program and wrote an article. maybe you should read it because to this day they have not contacted us per our request to tell us if they denounce the worldview of Jim Wallis:



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