CNN Article, Quoting Brannon Howse, Causes Glenn Beck to Respond on His Radio Program

CNN Article, Quoting Brannon Howse, Causes Glenn Beck to Respond on His Radio Program <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
By Brannon S. Howse
On his radio program today Glenn referenced the CNN article in which CNN took a portion of my article from our website in which I explained from the Scriptures why we can unite with Mr. Beck on non-spiritual issues but we Biblically cannot unite with him on his self-described spiritual event. On today's radio program Glenn said "looking to one God is the theme" of the 8/28 event. Glenn referred to the CNN article and said "so now the religious bigotry is there too". Since I am quoted in the article explaining why we cannot unite with Mr. Beck spiritually, I assume he means me when he says "religious bigotry."
Here is what CNN reported:
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Brannon Howse, a conservative writer and founder of Worldview Weekend, which organizes Christian conferences, criticized evangelical participation in that event in a column this week.
"The Apostle Paul warns Christians against uniting with unbelievers in spiritual endeavors...," Howse wrote. "While I applaud and agree with many of Glenn Beck's conservative and constitutional views, that does not give me or any other Bible-believing Christian justification to compromise Biblical truth by spiritually joining Beck."
It is really sad that Mr. Beck has resorted to calling people names who disagree with him on Biblical and spiritual issues. On his radio program today [8/27/10] Mr. Beck encouraged his audience not to become hateful towards people who disagree with him but I guess that does not include those who disagree with him on spiritual and Biblical issues.
I have received numerous e-mails thanking me for being kind, respectful, and gracious in how I wrote and spoke on my national radio program on why Christians cannot unite spiritually with Glenn Beck in what he has described numerous times as a spiritual event. I continue to appreciate Mr. Beck for the information he continues to reveal to the American people about what is happening politically in our country but that does not mean I can unite with him spiritually. If that makes Mr. Beck angry then instead of calling people names, I ask him to respect the freedom of religion he says he wants to defend. I have said over and over that Glenn has the right to practice his religion but it does not make Bible-minded Christians bigots if they do not want to unite with his religious worldview and spiritual agenda.
I read in the CNN piece where Pastor Jim Garlow was quoted as saying:
"I have interviewed persons who have talked specifically with Glenn about his personal salvation - persons extremely well known in Christianity - and they have affirmed (using language evangelicals understand), 'Glenn is saved,' " Garlow said in his memo, which was dated Wednesday."He understands receiving Christ as Savior."
At 4:38 pm Central Time on Friday, August 27, Glenn said to a group of evangelical pastors and leaders sitting with him on his national television program that, "I am a Mormon." I really respect you Pastor Garlow for the strong Biblical stands you have taken but do you know what it means theologically and doctrinally when Glenn admits he is a Mormon? Many Christians know what that means Biblically and that is why we cannot join Glenn in a spiritual endeavor.
I have talked with two nationally known Christian leaders about their conversations with Glenn Beck. One individual told me last week that Glenn is confused about who Jesus Christ really is. Another pastor that met with Glenn told me last week that when Glenn gave his "testimony" and said he was baptized he did not clarify to the group of pastors he was talking to that it was the Mormon Church in which he was baptized.
Another nationally known Christian pastor called a friend of mine this week and told him that he was invited to take part in "Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny" but would not do so. This nationally known pastor informed my friend that Mr. Beck seemed to be confused on spiritual issues. Mr. Beck said on his radio program on August 27, 2010 that "the spirit is going to teach tomorrow, and you are going to feel things you have never felt before; 8-28." I would ask what spirit since Glenn is a self-confessed Mormon and has said, "Looking to one God is the theme".  It clearly will not be the Holy Spirit of the Bible because God's Spirit cannot teach that which is unbiblical. All Christians should pray for Mr. Beck' spiritual condition but pastors should be very careful in pronouncing someone a Christian when they belong to the Mormon Church and have made numerous comments in the past two weeks that are not consistent with the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ. These pastors are really confusing non-believers as well as Christians that are not grounded in Biblical truth.
It is really sad that Christians seems to know so little about the Jesus of the cults that they do not realize that the cults use the same terms as evangelicals but with completely different meanings. Dr. Erwin Lutzer, of Moody Church, was my guest this week on my national radio program and explained from the Scriptures why pastors who join Mr. Beck this week are involved in heresy.
As I have written before, I have been a supporter of Glenn Beck for a long time and I started to support Glenn when the radicals wanted his advertisers to stop advertising in his program, because at the time he was not promoting spirituality but simply providing excellent information about what was happening in the arena of civil government and law. However, Glenn has moved into an area where we must draw a clear line theologically, doctrinally, and spiritually and despite what Mr. Beck thinks, that does not make us bigots by Bereans.
My friend Ed Decker, a former Mormon, sent this e-mail to me today and it reveals that there are many fans of Glenn Beck who are Biblical Bereans and are re-thinking Beck's "spiritual" agenda and rally on 8/28.
"I had a call last night from a good friend…who was ready to ride a bus to bring a crowd from N. Carolina to the event and after listening to the program we did yesterday [he], canceled out the trip."
A pastor from Pennsylvania called into my radio program today and was grieved that his own son-in-law had organized a bus load to attend Glenn's spiritual event. This pastor said when he spoke to his son-in-law about this Biblical perspective on attending his own son-in-law laughed. Sadly, these are the perilous times that I Timothy 3 tells us about and it will even cause division in families. However, we must continue to be Bereans. This same pastor asked a question live on the air that I have been asked by many Christians. Could all this be about Glenn Beck setting up his fellow Mormon Mitt Romney for another run for the White House? I asked the pastor what he thought and he said he believes it is part of the overall agenda.
I believe Beck's ultimate goal is to convince the American people that Mormonism and Christianity are one in the same. After all as Beck said "looking to one God is the theme" of the 8/28 event.Click here to listen to my radio program from today [8/27] as my guest is actor Kirk Cameron explaining from a Biblical position why he could not attend the 8/27 event after being invited.
Click here to take our poll: Do You Believe That Mormonism and Biblical Christianity Are Both True?


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