The Danger of BioLogos: Blurring the Line Between Creation and Evolution

Blurring the Line Between Creation and Evolution

By John UpChurch
Charles Darwin knew his "dangerous idea" contradicted biblical creation. Rather than exposing the contradictions, however, some church leaders want to blend the two. The newest effort by BioLogos has taken the evangelical world by storm. But at what cost?
According to Darrel Falk, A Point Loma Nazarene University professor, people like me shouldn't exist-at least in theory.
The congenial president of the up-and-coming think tank BioLogos, which advocates God-directed (or "theistic") evolution, Falk minces no words when it comes to biblical creation: "It is a travesty that young people who begin the journey of following Jesus are told that they have to believe something which a little science education makes clear cannot possibly be the case."
Given that view, my journey should have ended where it started. Raised by a former pastor who embraced evolution and Christianity, fed on a steady diet of PBS science programs and The Discovery Channel, insulated from any notion of a young earth through public education, I was handed a faith "broad enough" to handle Charles Darwin.
According to Falk, I already had it all. I knew enough facts to embrace evolution over millions of years and Christianity. I had escaped what he calls evangelicalism's "barrier" to faith, which forces young people to abandon the Christian journey once "they've studied the science or trust those who have."
Contrary to his view, embracing evolution derailed my "journey" toward Christ. I didn't join the parade. Instead, like millions of my peers, I rejected-and even despised-the church.

Trying Not to Fail

Proponents of theistic evolution claim they rescue people from a hopeless and unnecessary choice. As Falk puts it, "People don't have to choose between age of the earth and Bible-believing Christianity, nor between evolutionary biology and Bible-believing Christianity." But in reality their position dangles us over an abyss.
Karl Giberson, an Eastern Nazerene College professor and former executive vice president of BioLogos, admits that the organization has staked out a "precarious" middle ground.1 He calls it the "accommodationist" position between Christians who accept the "long-disproved" notion of a young earth and atheists who will have nothing to do with religion because science has proven it to be obsolete.
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