David Barton On Kenneth Copeland: Evil spirits make Congress "think really goofy"

David Barton: Evil spirits make Congress "think really goofy"

 by Warren Throckmorton

I knew it was someone's fault.
Listen to historical document collector David Barton tell Kenneth Copeland about why Congressional Democrats "think really goofy."

Partial transcript:

And I can tell this in the U.S. Capitol. When I walk from the House side to the Senate side, I cross the middle line of the Capitol, I can feel a different principality because they have jurisdictions over different things. And there are principalities that sit over different government entities that cause them to think really goofy and you can't get prayers through, they get delayed twenty-one days because the principalities are up there fighting in the Heavenlies.
Because we're not fighting flesh and blood. And if you don't understand this is a spiritual battle, and if you don't understand there are really big principalities and powers sitting over places of power, whether it be banking, or education. There's principalities that sit over schools to keep those kids from getting knowledge, there's principalities that sit over financial institutions. They sit over households. That's why you have principalities in powers, that gradation, you have the corporals, and you have the sergeants, and you have the lieutenants, the captains and the generals, and the generals have a bigger principality and those little corporals may have control over the house but it's a spiritual battle.
It's a spiritual battle and we'll never win until we understand that.

I'll bet those Generals that used to sit over the House were ticked when the Republicans won back control from the Democrats. Probably some of those Generals lost rank or got reassigned to sit over some low performing school or somebody's residence.
The 21 day disabled prayer list is a new one on me.

(This belief that demons are over certain areas is why many within the NAR have prayer events and marches to "bind" Satan or to defeat Satan. Does the Bible teach that Christians are to pray and bind Satan and his Demons? No! Click here to read an article on why this is not Biblical: http://www.worldviewweekend.com/worldview-times/article.php?articleid=7554


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