Talk Show Interview Guest(s)

Image Two veterans of investigations into Communist influence on the U.S. political process have released two blockbuster reports on Barack Obama's ties with agents of the Moscow-controlled Communist Party USA and its front groups. But in a major new development in the controversy over the media's handling of the explosive information, Internet journalist Matt Drudge has refused to run advertising for the reports, saying the material is "too controversial." The ads drew readers to America's Survival reports on communist networks in Hawaii and Chicago that influenced Barack Obama. The lengthy reports, which have not been challenged for factual accuracy, are full of documented information, testimony and exhibits from Congressional hearings into Communist activities on American soil. Conducting Talk Show interviews on this censorship is Cliff Kincaid, President of America's Survival, Inc. and author of one of the reports. Kincaid stated, "While I expected the liberal media to censor the reports, I never expected Drudge to spike them. He apparently doesn't believe the public has a right to know." Kincaid said he was outraged over the rejection of the ads and told Drudge's representative that the public has a right to know that the popular Internet site is suppressing information on flimsy grounds. Kincaid, who also serves as editor of Accuracy in Media, believes the media should inform and educate the public and that the media's handling of the information has become almost as controversial as the information itself. "There is a major cover-up underway," he said. "Read the well-documented reports for yourself and decide if they are 'too controversial,'" Kincaid stated. "Then ask yourself why Drudge, said by some to be the world's most powerful journalist, is suppressing this information." The face in the proposed ads was of Frank Marshall Davis, identified member of the Communist Party USA and mentor for a young Obama in Hawaii, and also featured a communist hammer and sickle. The ad asked, "Who is this man?" and urged viewers to click on the ad and "meet the mysterious Red mentor" and go to the reports.Also available for Talk Show interviews and author of one of the reports is Herbert Romerstein, who served as an investigator for the United States House Committee on Un-American Activities and the House Committee on Internal Security. He also served as a professional staff member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and head of the Office to Counter Soviet Disinformation for the United States Information Agency. One of his recent books is the acclaimed THE VENONA SECRETS: EXPOSING SOVIET ESPIONAGE AND AMERICA'S TRAITORS.Cliff Kincaid is an investigative journalist who specializes in analyzing the effects of communist and terrorist influence on the U.S. media. He is founder and president of America's Survival, Inc., and editor of Accuracy in Media's AIM Report. He is the author or coauthor of nine books, including WHY YOU CAN'T TRUST THE NEWS, and was instrumental in denying access to the U.S. media market to the Islamic terrorist Al-Jazeera television channel.BACKGROUND ON CLIFF KINCAID…Cliff Kincaid serves as president of America's Survival. Inc., (ASI), a public policy group concerned with foreign policy and U.N. issues, and as editor of the Accuracy in Media (AIM) Report. Kincaid has been an advocate on behalf of the families of victims of terrorism and has published reports and conducted conferences critical of the United Nations.A veteran journalist and media critic, Cliff concentrated in journalism and communications at the University of Toledo, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and came to Washington through a national journalism program headed by conservative author and journalist M. Stanton Evans. At his college newspaper, Cliff won an award for editorial writing from the Society of Professional Journalists. An accomplished public speaker and frequent guest on radio and television, Cliff was recently highlighted during an NBC Nightly News report by Campbell Brown as a national conservative spokesman on the subject of liberal bias in public broadcasting. He has appeared on scores of other television and radio programs, including the Fox News programs Hannity & Colmes, The O'Reilly Factor, Dayside with Linda Vester, and Your World with Neil Cavuto. Other television appearances have included MSNBC's Scarborough Country and Connected Coast to Coast with Ron Reagan and Monica Crowley. In the 1980s, he was a guest co-host on CNN's Crossfire (filling in for Pat Buchanan). His comments on media controversies have recently been featured in the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the Chicago Tribune, and PR Week. His national exclusives have included stories about a National Public Radio reporter receiving $26,000 from the pro-U.N. lobby; a U.N. reporter for The Nation magazine getting money from the U.N.; a left-wing follower of Ralph Nader getting access to White House press briefings; and an editor at AARP being a former illegal drug user and staffer for High Times magazine. Cliff served on the staff of Human Events for several years and was an editorial writer and newsletter editor for former National Security Council staffer Oliver North at his Freedom Alliance educational foundation. He has written or co-authored nine books on media and cultural affairs and foreign policy issues. ABOUT AMERICAN SURVIVAL, INC…An independent organization with an established track record on U.N. matters, American Survival, Inc. (ASI): • Was the first national organization to warn of global taxes and the proposed International Criminal Court, holding news conferences on these matters at the National Press Club and on Capitol Hill. • Exposed the illegal practice of the Clinton Administration diverting money from the Department of Defense budget to U.N. peacekeeping. • Exposed the role of U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan in brokering a Clinton Administration deal with Libya in the Pan Am 103 terrorism case. • Urged the Bush Administration not to back Kofi Annan for a second term as U.N. Secretary-General.ASI has received the thanks and recognition of President George W. Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and General Tommy Franks for its work to protect American soldiers and citizens from "war crimes" prosecutions by the United Nations. Then-Senator John Ashcroft proclaimed: "One of my greatest allies in this crucial work is Cliff Kincaid. For years, Cliff has publicly exposed the U.N.'s schemes to destroy America's independence and freedom."


To schedule an interview with CLIFF KINCAID, call: 630-848-0750.


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