Egypt: Islamic jihadis Murder at Least 155 in Sufi Mosque

The Qur’an forbids Muslims to kill other Muslims (4:92), but if one group of Muslims thinks another is heretical, then it considers itself to have a duty before Allah to carry out the Sharia death penalty.

“Attack on mosque in Egypt’s Sinai kills at least 155: state media,” AFP, November 24, 2017 (thanks to Ken):

Cairo (AFP) – Gunmen attacked a packed mosque in Egypt’s restive North Sinai province on Friday and set off a bomb, killing at least 155 people in one of the country’s deadliest attacks in recent memory, state media reported.

A bomb explosion ripped through the Rawda mosque roughly 40 kilometres west of the North Sinai capital of El-Arish before gunmen opened fire on the worshippers gathered for weekly Friday prayers, officials said.

State television reported at least 155 people were killed and 120 wounded in the attack, which is unprecedented in a four-year insurgency by Islamist extremist groups.

The Islamic State group’s Egypt branch has killed hundreds of policemen and soldiers, and also civilians accused of working with the authorities, in attacks in the north of the Sinai peninsula.

They have also targeted followers of the mystical Sufi branch of Sunni Islam as well as Christians.

The victims included civilians and conscripts praying at the mosque.

A tribal leader and head of a Bedouin militia that fights IS told AFP that the mosque is known as a place of gathering for Sufis.

The Islamic State group shares the puritan Salafi view of Sufis as heretics for seeking the intercession of saints.

The jihadists had previously kidnapped and beheaded an elderly Sufi leader, accusing him of practising magic which Islam forbids, and abducted Sufi practitioners later released after “repenting.”

The group has killed more than 100 Christians in church bombings and shootings in Sinai and other parts of Egypt, forcing many to flee the peninsula….

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