Elena Kagan: Global Law Disciple


WASHINGTON, June 29 /Christian Newswire/ - "The Senate confirmation hearing started yesterday for Elena Kagan. She was nominated by President Obama to serve as America's newest U.S. Supreme Court justice. The odds are high that the Senate will confirm Kagan and add her to the High Court. What does that mean for America? Elena Kagan brings with her a globalistic world-view that presents a danger as old as the book of Genesis.
When she was Dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan struck the requirement that her law students study the U.S. Constitution. Instead, she replaced that course requirement with a new one: the mandatory study of foreign law and international legal standards. In a 2006 press release Kagan explained that the purpose was to confront law students with the "larger universe" of legal norms, and to study "global networks" of law so they could appreciate law from a "global sphere" rather than strictly from an American constitutional standpoint. During her confirmation hearing to serve as Solicitor General under the Obama Administration, she indicated that as our nation's top Government legal advocate arguing cases before the Supreme Court she would not hesitate to make arguments based not just on our Constitution, but also on international law as well.
Elena Kagan's loyalty to global law is crucial for two reasons.
First, if she becomes a Supreme Court justice, she could be the all-important fifth vote in favor of interpreting our Constitution, not according to the vision of our Founding Fathers, but from an international law standpoint, a concept that would have seemed treasonous to our Founders. Three justices on the Court have already relied on foreign law in their opinions: Justices Kennedy, Breyer and Ginsburg. Recently-installed justice Sotomayor has praised Ruth Bader Ginsberg's penchant for international law, so we can assume she will be a legal globalist as well. Five justices create a majority and with Kagan on board they could begin radically steering us away from view of the Constitution that honors our Judeo-Christian heritage and founding.
Second, if this happens, it will usher America into a new age of global law. With Elena Kagan on the Supreme Court, international legal standards could well be imposed on Americans by the High Court's legal globalists, even without the Senate approving a specific international treaty. In our new novel, Edge of Apocalypse, we show how this trend might create a modern-day legal nightmare for conscientious Christians. We need only to turn to Genesis chapter 11 to see how God opposed the ancient attempt at global unification: the Lord declared the tragic result that would follow if a centralized group of fallen men were to consolidate an unlimited, unrestrained power over the planet.
Keep your eyes on the Supreme Court's view of global law. It could be one of the most telling 'signs of the times.'
[From EdgeOfApocalypseToday.com, the official author blog of Tim LaHaye and Craig Parshall, authors of the recent New York Times best selling novel, Edge of Apocalypse]


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