Even The Secular News Outlets Are Noticing That Worldview Weekend is Not Going Along with the New Religious Right and Their Unbiblical Partnerships and Agenda

Brannon Howse, leader of the World View Weekend movement, has been urging religious right leaders to stay away from the event, especially on his radio program on which he has devoted two shows this week to The Response. His critique of the event is unique; he was the director of the Minnesota Family Association, that state's branch of the American Family Association.
On his radio show last week, he said, "I try to explain to them, 'Hey if you are working with the NAR, we are are talking about whole different Jesus, and the reason they are getting together to pray is not for biblical reasons.'"
Howse said it was sponsors of The Response such as Cindy Jacobs of the Texas-based Generals International, Ché Ahn of the Calif.-based Harvest Rock Church, John Benefiel of the Okla.-based Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network and Mike Bickle of the Kansas City-based International House of Prayer that are dragging down the event.
Howse's guest, independent Pentecostal pastor Bill Randles, said the beliefs of these groups amounted to paganism.
"To these people, prayer is a form of spiritual warfare. It's directly attacking… they have a whole cosmology that is unbiblical concerning the demons and territorial spirits," Randles said. "They've been during this in the name of spiritual warfare for years; it's not Christian it's pagan."
He referenced the goals of NAR, of which Benefiel's group is a leader, which include "divorcing Baal."
"You don't see this in the Bible, you do see this in pagan religion," said Randles.
"One of their big beliefs that they have promoted for years is territorial spirits and that the whole world is divided up by different territorial spirits and Christian spiritual warfare is supposed to identify those spirits and address them," Randles explained. "Therefore, to them Baal, the spirit of Jezebel, the strong man - they have all these names. They've got a very complex spiritual cosmology that they operate."
Randles added, "They do things like driving stakes into the corner of a city to reclaim it. They went to the high places of the hills, geographically, to reclaim whole territories for Christ; and 'identification repentance,' that they repent for the sins of their ancestors."
click here for complete article:http://washingtonindependent.com/114342/some-religious-right-leaders-warn-of-paganism-at-perrys-prayer-event


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