False Revival? Glenn Beck's Website Reports That Beck is Organizing Global Movement For Peace and Prosperity By Bringing Together Global Religious Leaders and Beck Claims "We Are All Catholics"

False Revival? Glenn Beck's Website Reports That Beck is Organizing Global Movement For Peace and Prosperity By Bringing Together Global Religious Leaders and Beck Claims "We Are All Catholics"<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
Today in part six Brannon continues explaining 20 similarities between the false church in Nazi Germany that laid the foundation for the acceptance of Hitler and the rising global false church that will lay the foundation for the acceptance of the antichrist. The 18th similarity is a false spiritual revival. Interestingly enough, today Glenn Beck's website stated that Beck is organizing a global movement for peace and prosperity that is not political and is about brining all religions together. Beck has been talking about another Great Awakening which of course would be a false spiritual revival if based on the worldview of Beck and his ecumenical friends. Brannon believes this spiritual awakening will be a false revival that is based on cosmic humanism and ecumenicalism. Beck is also pushing the idea that "we are all Catholics now". http://worldviewweekend.com/worldview-radio/episode.php?episodeid=20673


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