Former Assistant Director of Operations for NORAD declares "In my opinion there is absolutely no doubt that what was captured on video off the coast of California was a missile launch"

Sliding silently under the mud, muck and fog of national politics, is a current event that makes Bill Clinton's excursion into the world of elderly sex look tame in comparison.  This time the nation's national security is truly threatened in my opinion, and it involves not only a weak President with limited problem-solving ability, but leadership at the highest levels in the Pentagon as well.  The American people would do well to demand a full investigation by an unbiased group, and let the chips fall where they may.  I am referring to the "missile shot" taken of California coast recently, and the lame response by NORAD, the Pentagon and the White House itself.
First, in hope of adding some creditability to my assessment of what really happened just off the coast of Los Angeles let me convey a bit of my background which can be checked easily by going to Google and typing in my name.   An Air Force biography will appear.
During the late eighties I was assigned to NORAD, as a Command Director initially and later as the assistant Director of Operations for NORAD.  The NORAD operation was located inside the Cheyenne Mountain complex just outside Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Twenty four hours a day a team of approximately 150 highly trained individuals, lead by a Brigadier General, monitored one of the most sophticated computer systems in the world.  This system was fed data from many different sensors that were able to detect missile shots from any point on the globe.  All this data was taken into consideration when making the "assessment" as whether or not North America and/or Canada were threatened by such a launch.  If the launch was assessed as a true threat, the President was contacted immediately by NORAD through a military individual always close to the President who carried what we called, "the football", a black brief case with release codes for our nuclear forces.   I know the system well, as for near three years I led one of those teams.
In addition, for over 25 years, I flew US Air Force fighters to include the F-106, F-4, F-15, F-16, and commanded an F-15 Squadron and an F-16 Wing.  The sole purpose of the F-106 assignment was to maintain an ability to become airborne in minutes to intercept inbound bombers posing a threat to the US mainland.  Untold hours were spent studying and being tested on visually identifying an air-to-air threat to include its type and threat potential.  I understand the difference in an aircraft contrail and a missile launch contrail.
In my opinion there is absolutely no doubt that what was captured on video off the coast of California was a missile launch, was clearly observed by NORAD, assessed by a four-star General in minutes, and passed to the President immediately.  That is the way the system works, and heads fall if there is a failure.  This is one of the most important tenets of National Defense and its sole purpose of protecting the American people.  Even the smallest failure in this system gets intense scrutiny at the highest level.
Now, the question that still must be answered is why NORAD's muted response was simply that North America was not threatened, and later our government approved the lame excuse that the picture recorded was simply an aircraft leaving a contrail.  This decision was made far above the four-star level, and because the system in place demands it, was made by the President himself.
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