General Michael Flynn’s First Interview Since Pardon: “The President Has Clear Paths To Victory”; General McInerney: “Most Dangerous Situation Since The Civil War”

WVW Broadcast Network Columnist Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | November 29, 2020

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Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (U.S. Army, Ret.) gave his first interview since receiving a pardon from President Trump during a special Friday evening broadcast of Worldview Weekend TV, hosted by Brannon Howse on November 27, 2020. The program also featured General Flynn’s friend Lt. Gen. Thomas Mcinerney (U.S. Air Force, Ret.) and investigative journalist and author Mary Fanning of The American Report.

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General Flynn opened his interview by sounding the alarm about the massive election fraud that took place during the November 3, 2020 election:

What’s happening in this country should never happen. And we are going through, there is no doubt in my mind, we are going through a crucible of history and if we don’t correct what it is that is happening right now over the next couple of weeks then I really hate to even think about what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part of December and certainly into the next month.

I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice President Biden as the next president based on what we know to be probably the greatest fraud that our country has ever experienced in our history. 

General Flynn also expressed optimism, stating:

"To me, it’s all positive. I was asked today on a scale of one to ten who will be the next president and I said ten, it will be Donald Trump, it will be President Trump, There is no doubt in my mind that he won this election hands down in a landslide, probably somewhere between 350 and 400 electoral college votes. I am upset. I am determined. I am going to be resilient.  And I believe that I reflect millions and millions and millions of people across this country who feel the exact same way that I do,” General Flynn added.

General McInerney, who introduced General Flynn at the opening of the program, commented on General Flynn’s statements and called the 2020 election fraud crises “a fast moving train.”

We are seeing the most unprecedented situation in the history of America. This is the most dangerous situation since the Civil War of keeping this nation united. And why do I say that?

The Civil War, it was just warfare. Today, you and General Flynn talked about cyberwarfare. In cyberwarfare it’s hidden, it’s mystical, you don’t see it coming. It happens. And all of a sudden 138,000 votes or 150,000 votes, all of a sudden they show up. And because we are looking at computers we assume they are all legitimate. But in this particular case, they are not legitimate.

And because of what Sidney Powell has been doing, who was General Flynn’s lawyer, and what she submitted in the state of Georgia and Michigan on Wednesday night, the night before Thanksgiving, we got a document in those lawsuits from a Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia who is a 59 year old resident of California who spent 40 years almost in the D.C. metropolitan area as a career intelligence community expert…

...Because of this declaration that he [Keshavarz-Nia] made in which I am quoted and independently confirming he uses my name, Kirk Wiebe, who was a former NSA official, a good friend of ours in working with Mary [Fanning] and I, and Dennis Montgomery, a former CIA analyst, who was really the creator-inventor of THE HAMMER and SCORECARD capabilities. And that is what we broke and we broke it on Sunday and Monday before the election saying that this was going to be an action that will happen and what transpired did in fact transpire. 





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