Georgia, Russia and Ezekiel 38

Georgia, Russia and Ezekiel 38

August 13, 2008

For five days, the world watched as Russia crushed its southern neighbor, Georgia. Political pundits wrote some sobering analyses of what this means for the world. Following are excerpts from several of them.
Victor Davis Hanson in "Moscow's Sinister Brilliance:"

"...Putin and Medvedev have called the West's bluff. We are sort of stuck in a time-warp of the 1990s, seemingly eons ago in which a once-earnest weak post-Soviet Russia sought Western economic help and political mentoring. But those days are long gone, and diplomacy hasn't caught up with the new realities. Russia is flush with billions. It serves as a rallying point and arms supplier to thugs the world over that want leverage in their anti-Western agendas. For the last five years, its foreign policy can be reduced to 'Whatever the United States is for, we are against.' The geopolitical message is clear to both the West and the former Soviet Republics: don't consider NATO membership."

George Will in "Russia's Power Play:"

"...Russia's aggression is really about the subordination of Georgia, a democratic, market-oriented U.S. ally. This is the recrudescence of Russia's dominance in what it calls the 'near abroad.' Ukraine, another nation guilty of being provocatively democratic near Russia, should tremble because there is not much America can do. It is a bystander at the bullying of an ally that might be about to undergo regime change."

The geo-political ramifications of the war between Russia and Georgia are enormous. Others also believe this past week's war may have profound prophetic significance.
Joel Rosenberg in his blog, "Flash Traffic:"

"Observers of Biblical prophecies such as Ezekiel 38 and 39 will note that directly or effectively controlling Georgia would be key when Moscow one day begins moving Russian military forces through Turkey and into Lebanon, Syria and eventually against Israel."
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