Glenn Beck Blasphemes God On His September 2nd TV Program?

Glenn Beck Blasphemes God on His September 2nd TV Program?By Brannon S. Howse<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
 Are America's Christian leaders proud of themselves yet for making Beck the leader of America's next spiritual "revival"? Glenn Beck continues to prove that America's Christian leaders should not have given away their credibility to Beck. On his September 2, 2010 television program Beck said the following:"America's religion. This is it gang, this is all you need to know.  There is a God, He's going to judge us, we should be good to each other, cause daddy's gonna be pissed in the end if we're not. That's it. That's called a big principle."
You can see this clip at this link. Start at the 10:40 mark.
 This is America's modern-day Moses? Good luck with that Christian leaders! That for sure is not what I read in my Bible. Then again, my God was not a man of flesh and bone that evolved to become God and is having eternal sex with his goddess wives. My God is a spirit (John 4:24) and does not appreciate being described in such a vulgar way nor being the punch line of a joke.
On his September 2, 2010 TV program Beck said, "We need a Jesus or a Buddha." See this statement at this link at the 5:00 mark:
Where is Biblical repentance, the depravity of man, the Biblical Gospel? Beck's religion is one of good works based on a false Jesus and a false gospel. If Christian leaders continue endorsing Glenn then more people are going to follow his "spirituality" and they are going to die and go to hell. I beg these Christian leaders to acknowledge what they have done and reconsider their position on Glenn Beck unless reclaiming America is more important than the people who are dying and going to hell.  


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