The Healthy American Worker is The New Soldier in the War on the Communist Chinese Coronavirus & the Communist Goal 
to Collapse America from Within

If the Communist Chinese Coronavirus has led President Trump to compare himself to a war time president, Americans, then, should be viewed as soldiers in this war. I will explain what I mean by this in this article. However, do not think that I am not taking the Communist Chinese Coronavirus seriously, nor understand the horrific number of deaths that could occur in America. For those who don’t know or remember, I began talking on the radio about the potential threat of the Communist Chinese Coronavirus in January of 2020—when it was still being mocked by talk show hosts on the right. 

On March 2, 2020, I warned about the possible flood of America’s hospitals, and warned local and state governments to prepare, with the assistance of the federal governments. 

However, I never expected our governmental leaders at the local, state, and federal levels to virtually shut down the entire U.S. economy to the point that it becomes a national security threat and a victory for our enemies such as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. 

It is rather clear that Communist China allowed this virus to spread on purpose. It is a matter of fact that the Communist Chinese Party has written openly about bringing down America with a pandemic or biological weapon since at least 1999. Communist China, as well as Russia, Iran, and North Korea, are rejoicing that we are crashing our own stock market, bankrupting companies, and destroying the income of Americans.

Communism is all about globalism, as globalism is really just international socialism. In 1917, Lenin started the Communist revolution. Lenin died in 1924, but before he died, he predicted that Communism would take over Eastern Europe, then Asia, then surround America, and then collapse us from within. Perhaps we should consider that Lenin’s dream of collapsing us from within could occur, and Americans are now assisting in that collapse with our response to the Communist Chinese Coronavirus. I explain the history and tactics of the Communists to collapse America in my 8 1/2 hour docuMovie, Siege, that was released in December of 2019. You can watch one hour for free at 

I believe the President should ask all healthy Americans who do not have underlying conditions to return to work after the current, voluntary 15 day quarantine. Older Americans who are in the risk category should shelter in place, and their family and friends should help them.

We sent millions of young people into war in World War I, World War II, the Korean War & the Vietnam War to fight imperialism, socialism, fascism and communism. An estimated 600,000 Americans died in just these four wars, not counting the hundreds of thousands injured. 

There are casualties in war, and we accept that reality and honor those who gave their last full measure of devotion. Why did they commit themselves to such devotion? Why did they pay the ultimate price?  Because the alternative is their family, friends, and nation will die or be enslaved if we surrender to socialism, fascism and communism. 

We must honor those who gave their lives for freedom by being willing to put our own lives at risk to secure and maintain those same freedoms for which they died. Our governmental leaders should unleash the free market system in this war on the Communist Chinese Coronavirus and enlist all healthy Americans to defend and maintain our American way of life. We cannot let Russia and Communist China win by destroying our own economy, freedoms, and Constitutional rights. 

Our governmental leaders should encourage Americans to consume antivirals and boost their immune systems, and to take all the necessary precautions to decrease the risk of becoming ill. Our governments should remove all red-tape and restrictions that are not necessary so that American companies can manufacture the needed antivirals that Americans should consume to boost their immune systems. 

Our governments should assist hospitals and set up temporary facilities much like a MASH unit. We should offer hazard pay and bonuses to our medical heroes. There is much the government should do and can do, but we, as Americans, must not let politicians and government officials destroy our country, economy, liberties, and way of life. My family has agreed that we are all taking smart precautions, but we are willing to risk catching the Communist Chinese Coronavirus if it means not surrendering to the wishes of Communist China and their desire to see Americans destroy America.

The great thing about this plan is it can always be adjusted as needed. However once you crash the economy you cannot quickly adjust for that. I understand the need to push down the curve of infections so that our hospitals are not flooded. But currently, the data shows that those who get into critical condition are 65 plus and/or have underlying conditions. By asking them and assisting them in their self-quarantine, that should relieve the hospitals in a significant manner and leave the beds open for the American workers who become sick when we are on the front lines fighting to save our American way of life by keeping our economy from crashing. Economic freedom, political freedom and religious freedom are all tied together. This is war, but it is a new way of war, and it requires a new type of soldier—the American worker who refuses to allow fear, socialism, or Communist China to win a war that was started when they deliberately allowed the Communist Chinese Coronavirus to spread. 

Now go watch the one hour of Siege for free now at 

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