How dismissing Scripture gave rise to Hitler: Writer Reviews Grave Influence, The New Book by Brannon Howse Writer Reviews New Book by Brannon HowseHow dismissing Scripture gave rise to HitlerExclusive: Jim Fletcher praises exposé of 21 radicals who reign from the grave

By Jim Fletcher

When German theologian Julius Wellhausen "discovered" in 1878 that the Bible was not the word of God, but rather a collection of poorly edited, nationalistic legends, the door was opened to a weak Christianity that would not be able to withstand the beastly ambitions of a failed painter a generation later.
Wellhausen's contribution to German "Higher Criticism" (an attack on the supernatural truth of the Bible) contributed directly to the rise of Hitler. By whitewashing the Jewish contribution to Scripture – surely one of history's most mind-boggling efforts – Wellhausen and others minimized the unique nature of the Jews and eventually turned them into an object of derision.
We need to know about people like Wellhausen today, because his ideas reach beyond the grave and continue to poison our culture. By profiling this German false teacher, author Brannon Howse in his new book, "Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and Their Worldviews that Rule America from the Grave," profiles 21 change agents who have radically altered society.
This is a terrific book all the way around, right down to the smallish size: hardcover and coming in at a compact 368 pages, this handbook for uncovering radicalism will surely travel beyond the Christian education sector it is perfect for. Howse has done that good a job.
The founder of American Family Policy Institute and Worldview Weekend, Howse was educated in a Christian home and now boldly takes on spiritual corruption (calling out "pansies in the pulpit," among other things). His profiles of such change agents as Margaret Sanger, Alfred Kinsey, Betty Friedan, John Dewey and 17 others should be required reading in every Christian school in America. The book would also serve a public school class on religion very well.
By the way, besides supporting Howse's terrific book, remember to attend one of the Worldview Rallies held around the country throughout the year. With some of today's best apologetics speakers around, these weekends equip Americans with the information needed to make informed decisions.
Back to "Grave Influence." Howse's expertise really shines in the section on the corruption of education, with studies on Dewey, Aldous Huxley, B.F. Skinner and others. His well-rounded book also profiles the diabolical spiritualist Alice Bailey, psychotherapy icon Sigmund Freud and ACLU founder Roger Baldwin. All-in-all, the book is a comprehensive effort to spotlight the men and women who have largely succeeded in destroying American from within.
I found the profile of Margaret Sanger to be riveting. The founder of Planned Parenthood shed herself of her marriage and children and embarked on a path of re-imagining what womanhood should be. She also authored radical books, such as "The Pivot of Civilization," in which she expounded on her racist views. Sanger, who obviously had contempt for the unborn, extended her cruelty to her views on those with disabilities. Our nation is still reaping the whirlwind set in motion by this sick worldview.
The exhaustive research that went into this book is perfectly presented, and the writing style and relatively short chapters make the book accessible for anyone.
Interestingly, Howse concludes his book with a section entitled, "Why This Can Be Our Finest Hour." In this section, after exposing the sewage that has tainted our culture for decades, Howse turns optimist. He understands that changing hearts – and not legislation – is the key to renewal. By emphasizing evangelism, apologetics and correct instruction, Howse maintains that all is not necessarily lost.
We are indeed in the midst of a sick culture, and with the publication of "Grave Influence," we see that there is a doctor in the Howse.
Click here to visit where the review was published.
Discover how real and relevant Bible prophecy is to you with Jim Fletcher's "It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine): How to stop worrying and learn to love these end times"


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