IB Program is UN on Steroids

IB Program is UN on Steroids
Back in the 1950s, international private academies, such as those in Washington, DC and New York City featured the International Baccalaureate ("IB" for short) because it was the choice of diplomats and others of European extraction. Sometimes parents there merely had a tour of duty in the U.S., but because their kids were expected to go home and take the International Baccalaureate test, their youngsters' future prospects for college and career depended upon a rigorous scholastic regimen, which surpassed anything in American K-12 programs at that time. Many students flunked the test first time around. They got two more shots. Then it was either off to university, to trade school or something far less appealing.
The IB had its basis in the Swiss educational system. The Europeans, for all their faults, didn't mess around with the basics of schooling back then. The curricula foreign kids got were much tougher than in America, even at most private schools. Not even pictures in elementary textbooks existed. Switzerland was considered la crème of the educational universe. If a parent had real money, that's where they sent their kids. Former presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry, went to boarding school there. A common joke went: How do you tell a European student from an American pupil? Answer: The European kid takes three steps before his book-bag moves!Click here for complete article:http://beforeitsnews.com/news/74/150/IB_Program_is_UN_on_Steroids.html


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