Important Quotes For Today

"Entrepreneurs do not simply do business the way everyone else does; instead, they find new resources or take existing resources and change them to create new goods or to enhance existing services. Over time, in a free-market setting, entrepreneurs lower real costs to customers."
William L. Anderson
"…we haven't been through anything like what we are going through now. The United States has really been living in a fool's paradise, or a phony economy, probably for more than twenty years. But our economy has been growing bigger and bigger. We have been able to convince the world to lend us money and to provide us with goods that we don't produce and that we can't afford to pay for with exports. And it has gotten to the point now where the problem is so big, especially since the real-estate bubble."
Peter Schiff
"Given the strong possibility of a Democratic House, a Democratic Senate, and a liberal Supreme Court for decades to come, given the number of Supreme Court appointments a Democratic president will be able to make, an Obama victory will move America more radically leftward than ever in its history."
Dennis Prager
"In the gun control decision, there were justices who read the history and meaning of the Second Amendment differently. What was most dangerous, however, was Justice Stephen Breyer's opinion that it was up to judges to weigh and 'balance' the pros and cons of gun control laws. If we have Constitutional rights only when judges like the end results, we may as well not have a Constitution."
Thomas Sowell
"Assistance granted to the unemployed does not dispose of unemployment. It makes it easier for the unemployed to remain idle."
Ludwig von Mises


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