Israel sends formal notice that it’s withdrawing from UNESCO

This is good, and it is even better that the US is leaving UNESCO as well. The idea that the Temple Mount is a Muslim holy place with no connection to the Jews is just jihadi propaganda, not sound history or sound anything else. That it would have been certified by a UN agency is unconscionable.

The US should get out of the UN altogether, and expel it from New York.

“Israel formally notifies UNESCO of withdrawal from organization,” by Melissa Quinn, Washington Examiner, December 30, 2017:

Israel has formally notified UNESCO of its withdrawal from the education and science organization, joining the U.S.

The Israeli government sent its official notice Friday, and it will leave the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization effective Dec. 31, 2018.

Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO’s director-general, said she regrets Israel’s decision and believes “it is inside UNESCO and not outside it that States can best seek to overcome differences in the organization’s field of competence.”

“A Member of UNESCO since 1949, Israel has a rightful place inside the United Nations agency that is dedicated to education, culture and science,” Azoulay said in a statement. “Inside an institution committed to the defense of freedom of expression, the prevention of all forms of anti-Semitism and racism, which has developed a unique program of education about the Holocaust and the prevention of genocide. Inside an institution that is among the most active in promoting dialogue among cultures, fighting violent extremism and conserving heritage affected, notably, by the destructive acts of terrorist organizations.”

Both the U.S. and Israel announced they would be leaving UNESCO in October. In an announcement explaining its decision, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said the U.S. would be withdrawing from the organization because of a “continuing anti-Israel bias.”…

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