Obama’s CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus told Foreign Policy magazine that Iranian general and top terrorist leader Qassem Suleimani was “responsible for providing explosives, projectiles, and arms and other munitions that killed well over 600 American soldiers and many more of our coalition and Iraqi partners just in Iraq, as well as in many other countries such as Syria.” So why did it take so long for the U.S. to kill him?

We are seeing stories about how Iran may retaliate against America over his death. But why did Obama fail to retaliate over the deaths his own CIA director has documented?

Once again, our media have assumed a knee-jerk posture against Trump, blaming him for taking long-overdue action. He inherited the problem of Iran. Obama’s pro-Muslim approach was to appease Iran and pay them off.  Trump ended that policy.

By questioning what Iran may do, our media take the side of Iran, ignoring what this fanatical religious regime has already done to hundreds of our servicemembers. In addition to the more than 600 dead cited previously, we have evidence that, on October 23, 1983, ​Iran ordered and carried out the suicide bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 American military personnel. The CIA got a warning about what was going to happen but failed to provide it to military authorities in time.

In short, Iran has already carried out numerous acts of war against the U.S.

But our media don’t care about American dead. They worry about the survival of the Iranian regime as its crimes are exposed. They want the Iranians to have a nuclear bomb to counter our friend and ally Israel.

Suleimani headed the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization. A State Department fact sheet issued in April 2019 gave a more detailed account of the deaths attributed to this organization. It said, “The Iranian regime is responsible for the deaths of at least 603 American service members in Iraq since 2003. This accounts for 17% of all deaths of U.S. personnel in Iraq from 2003 to 2011, and is in addition to the many thousands of Iraqis killed by the IRGC’s proxies.”

As we saw in the Petraeus quote cited earlier, these facts aren’t disputed. Indeed, the media know for a fact that Soleimani was a terrorist killer. They’re just upset that Trump finally took action to terminate him. They know this exposes Obama’s lack of action. So their present course is to warn of Iranian retaliation against America over something America should have done many years ago.

In a knee-jerk fashion, the left is mobilizing against Trump’s decision to kill an anti-American terrorist leader. Protests have been planned in American cities by such communist-front groups as the ANSWER Coalition, headed by veteran Marxist operative Brian Becker.

We know whose side he’s on. But his Marxist “analysis” will be repeated in a different form by the major media in the weeks and months ahead as the machinery of the United Nations will be brought to bear on the Trump Administration. Agnès Callamard, the U.N. special rapporteur on extrajudicial killing, has said the attack violated international human rights law. That’s right: the “human rights” of this terrorist killer of more than 600 Americans were somehow violated because he was held accountable for his crimes!

If the U.N. and its International Criminal Court had any credibility, they would have already charged and prosecuted the Iranian regime for crimes against humanity. But we know whose side they’re on.

If the U.N. persists in making this an issue, Trump should up the ante by announcing a complete and total withdrawal of the United States from the world body. The U.N. wouldn’t survive without our money. This bloated organization, with a $67.8 billion pension fund for the benefit of its own bureaucrats, should survive on its own – and somewhere else.

There is a danger of retaliation from Iran. But that’s why American taxpayers spend over $80 billion a year on 17 intelligence and law enforcement agencies. As we have seen over the last three years, some of these intelligence agencies would rather investigate Trump than protect the American people from real threats. If Americans get hit here or abroad, it’s because these agencies are not doing their job. It’s because they hire people with left-wing political agendas and waste money and resources.

Anybody who has confidence in the FBI should watch the Clint Eastwood film, “Richard Jewell,” about how the Bureau fingered the wrong man for a terrorist bombing. (Our media didn’t like the movie because it made the FBI-enablers in the media look bad.)

Tragically, with the history of intelligence failures, including 9/11, we have to accept the possibility that the Iranian regime will hit America, that the intelligence agencies will fail to protect our people, and that the media will then blame Trump.

If Iran does hit our people again, as a result of incompetence by the intelligence community, Trump should ignore the U.S. Congress and the U.N. and instead turn to his friend Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and urge the Israelis to obliterate the Iranian regime in Tehran. By promising Israel military support, Trump avoids a no-win war that would bog down America. Israel will not wage a no-win war in the region because its survival depends on total victory. That’s the better option for Trump. The left will scream but the region and the world will be better off.

Whatever the future holds, a dangerous terrorist kingpin has been eliminated from the face of the earth, and justice has been served. The world is a better place. It will be even better when Suleimani is joined in hell by his revolutionary comrades.

*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc. www.usasurvival.org


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