The left is beginning to push to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Dear Parental Rights Advocate,The left is beginning to push to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  • The CRC leadership had a meeting with the White House.
  • They claim to have 60 willing votes and 13 undecided Senators.
  • A recent New York Times front page article inaccurately claimed that the US has not banned child soldiers, with the tag line: "we could accomplish this by ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child."

In the meantime, our effort to gain 34 votes against the treaty is making progress, but we have a long way to go.Thanks to your calls, we currently have 22 co-sponsors of SR 519 which urges the rejection of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.Our friends in the Senate tell us that they believe that a greater number of Senators would get on board if there were a deadline accompanied by public pressure.We have created such a deadline. In early August, we intend to run ads in local papers in the states of every Senator who is not a co-sponsor of SR 519. These ads will:

  • Alert the public to the meaning of the CRC and the dangers it poses to our families and our nation;
  • Let the public know that their Senator is "undecided" on the CRC;
  • Ask the public to call their Senators to oppose the CRC.

These are large display ads and can cost between $2000 and $6000 depending on the circulation of the paper.We want to run these ads in as many newspapers as we can, depending on the funding we receive from this appeal.If you are willing to help us fund one or more ads in your state, will you please help us with the most generous donation possible right now so that we can order these ads in time?If you live in a state where both Senators are already co-sponsors of SR 519, would you still help us place ads in other states by making a general donation to this effort?The left believes that they have 60 votes-but these are soft votes. Still, they clearly believe there are 13 "undecided" Senators. We need to make sure that every truly undecided Senator decides in favor of America and its families and against the UN and its mandates.Please help us get the word out to the public through this ad campaign. (Click here to see a sample of these newspaper ads.)Thank you so much for your help.


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