Michele Bachmann: Nov. 3 'Coup' Was All About One Thing – 'Make Sure U.S. Collapses so China Can Rise'

Former congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann appeared on Lindell TV with host Mike Lindell and Co-host Brannon Howse and said the radical policies coming out of the White House are directly tied to the "coup" that occurred on Nov. 3, 2020, in which deep state actors stole an election from Donald Trump and the American voting public.

Bachmann, now dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia, hosted an election integrity conference this past summer that brought in experts to do a deep dive on the 2020 election.

"We wanted to examine the issue; it was worthy of examination," Bachmann told Brannon Howse and Mike Lindell.

Harvard University typically does a review of each presidential election. This year the Ivy League university took a pass, she said.

"You know what, that says something to me, because all you had to do is kick the dirt off of the 2020 election and you see voter fraud everywhere," Bachmann said. "And so we decided to hold a conference and what we discovered is exactly what Mike Lindell has discovered, and that is that this election was stolen from Donald Trump, but really this election was stolen from the voters, from all of us."

You can watch the entire eight-hour conference online for free, at Regent.edu/electionintegrity.

Lindell said the mainstream media has in recent years established certain "taboo topics." Among them are election integrity during the 2020 election and the true safety and efficacy of vaccines.

"And they are able to completely suppress the truth," Lindell said.

Bachmann said Democrats stole the election not just with rigged voting machines but with "a bag of 57 different tricks and they deployed every trick there was. And so now...their number-one political goal is HR 1/S1, which is the legalization of voter fraud. So all their vote fraud techniques they put forth to steal the 2020 race, they want to attach that now to this big pig of a spending bill. It isn't $3.5 trillion, it's more like $6 trillion they want to spend. But they have to have a spending bill to attach their legalization of voter fraud to, because they all know everyone hates their agenda. What they've done is absolutely disgusting to our economy. People hate it, and the Democrats know they're going to get thrown out of office in 2022, unless they can steal the election again in 2022, but now people are onto them. People didn't know what kind of fraud was going to come through in 2020. Now people know, so that's why they want to pass that bill and it's why we can't let them do that and get away with it."

Lindell's team is currently helping eight states get to the bottom of their election fraud issues.

"Every single one of these machines had USB ports and internet connections so that they could be changed externally by people coming in and changing it or plugging into a USB port, so that's clear, but that isn't the only way they stole the election," Bachmann said. "They also did it the old-fashioned way, with their bag of 57 different tricks. And we're finding that out now in Arizona, Georgia, different states."

Bachmann, who like Lindell hails from Minnesota, said that state may have run the most corrupt election in the nation.

"Our secretary of state illegally, unconstitutionally, on his own, changed all election laws by himself, which he's not allowed to do, just before the primary started."

And Bachmann said the GOP in Minnesota did absolutely nothing to stop the election fraud.

Lindell said Trump won Minnesota, Arizona, New Hampshire, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

"These people hate democracy. They hate it," Bachmann said. "They hate the people's choice. We're living in a post-constitutional America, we're living in a post-democracy America. And that's why we have to realize we're at war right now. And our response is not to be violent. We don't take guns and use violence with all of this. We use our brains. We use our smarts, and then we pray, and we trust our God that He will deliver us from this calamity."

Bachmann said the Biden policies are not a matter of incompetence, and Biden is not the one running things.

"Whoever is the one running our country, they're doing exactly what they intended. And that is to make sure that the United States collapses so that China can rise," Bachmann said.

"This is intentional to collapse America," both economically and militarily, she said.

America has since the end of World War II been the world's undisputed economic and military superpower.

"Today you can't say that," she said.

"This is a coup. What everyone is watching right now is a coup. What is a coup? It's an illegal takeover of a legitimate government. What is the legitimate government? Donald Trump legitimately won the 2020 election. This is a hostile takeover through the stealing of the election, and now they're advancing policies that nobody wants."

Bachmann said the Biden administration's actions in Afghanistan amounted to "treasonous activity."

Already on military bases in the United States, Afghan refugees have raped female members of the U.S. military, "and nobody is being deported," she said.

"Not only do we have all the tools to bring down the 2020 election, and when this happens I believe it's going to be a great uniting of our country because this is a common evil," Lindell said. "This isn't even about a party, Democrat or Republican, conservative or liberal; this is like you said Michele, an act of war. They've come in and taken our country and I think everyone is starting to see it. Their eyes are being opened up."

Bachmann said prayer and fasting are going to be needed to break through in the spirit realm.

"Some of these problems are so big but they're not too big for God. We were praying and fasting when Afghanistan was falling, and it wasn't Afghanistan that was falling, it was America that was collapsing. But we can't forget the power, because these are spiritual battles too. We have to understand the power of these spiritual battles because I fight in the political, just as you're fighting in the political, and then we fight in the business realm, but there's also the spiritual realm. That's really the only place you can unite, at the foot of the cross. In America, we were based on a biblical foundation, and that's where we repair and that's our greatest hope going forward."

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