Minneapolis’ Islamic Call to Prayer Ushered in by Communist-Jihadi Cabal in Minnesota

Democrat Minneapolis (MN) Mayor Jacob Frey, working directly with Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Dar al Hijrah Islamic Center, approved the Muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers in Minneapolis for the first time in history.

Minneapolis becomes only the third city in America to allow the call to prayer like this. The others are Dearborn, Michigan and Paterson, New Jersey.

You can see a brief video of this call to prayer here.

The approval of the call to prayer by Mayor Frey may be the last nail in Minnesota’s coffin, and represents, to the Muslim community, total submission by leaders of Minnesota to Islam.

This great achievement by the enemies of liberty – communists and jihadis – did not happen overnight. Minnesota has a long history of communists in leadership positions willing to pave the way for other “like-minded” revolutionaries, like the jihadis, overrunning Minneapolis-St Paul.

Arvo Kustaa Halberg, also known as Gus Hall, was recruited by his father into Communist Party USA as a teenager and moved to Minneapolis after his studies in the Soviet Union. He spent two stints in federal prison for his activities as a communist. He went on to be the leader of Communist Party USA for over 40 years, until his death in 2000. Hall ran for President in the 1972.1976, 1980, and 1984 U.S. elections.

Hall’s students are still plentiful in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Former Saint Paul Mayor Jim Scheibel (1990-1994) was an Alinsky “community organizater” and a member of the largest Marxist group in the United States – the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA).

Saul Alinsky was the author of the Marxist revolutionaries’ operational handbook, Rules for Radicals, which details how to overthrow the government, and the book is dedicated to Satan. In it, the ground level operator is called a “community organizer.”

Mark Ritchie, Minnesota’s Secretary of State from 2006 to 2014, was identified in a 2008 Huffington Post article written by DSA Member Peter Dreier as one of dozens of elected officials in the United States who started out as “community organizers.” In 1999, Ritchie attended a Communist Party event, at which he was introduced as a “friend” of the Communist party.

Courtesy of Trevor Loudon / TrevorLoudon.com

Also present at that 1999 Communist Party meeting was Mark Froemke, the man Trevor Loudon has dubbed “The Most Influential Communist in Minnesota.”

Mark Froemke

Froemke is the President of the Western Area Labor Council (AFL-CIO), which represents union members in 11 North Dakota counties and 7 Minnesota counties. Froemke is also a member of Communist Party USA.

Courtesy of Trevor Loudon. TrevorLoudon.com

These people, and many like them on city councils and in positions of influence around the Minneapolis-St Paul area, are the advocates for jihadis and the ones encouraging more to enter Minnesota via the “refugee resettlement program.”

On October 24, 2016, after Understanding the Threat (UTT) spent a week traveling across Minnesota speaking to citizens and leaders, we published an article entitled “In This War Minnesota’s Twin Cities Are Lost.” The article detailed the penetration of Minnesota by several subversive Islamic organizations including the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and others, and the Marxist/communist ties of Minnesota’s leaders.

In the 3 1/2 years since that article, things have only become more dangerous in Minnesota, especially in the Minneapolis-St Paul area.

Let’s look at the key leaders in Minnesota today and how they are supporting and encouraging jihadis in the state.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz wasted no time bringing terrorists into his camp. After his election in November 2018, his Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan led and set up his transition team, which included the local leader of the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), Jaylani Hussein.

But even as a candidate, Governor Walz was courting jihadis. In February 2018, he spoke at an event at the South Metro Islamic Center (mosque) sponsored by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim American Society (MAS-MN). Peggy Flanagan also attended this event.

In August of 2018, candidate Walz attended the Eid al Fitr event which was held at the U.S. Bank Stadium. Is Mr. Walz aware Eid al Fitr celebrates Islam’s first military victory over non-Muslims in battle?

On March 28, 2019, Minnesota’s Governor Tim Walz spoke at an “Islamophobia” conferencehosted by the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).


At this conference, he told the audience he wanted to open three new “human rights offices” in Minnesota. Is Mr. Walz aware that the international Muslim world has legally defined the phrase “human rights” as the imposition of sharia on the world? Is he aware the leadership of every Islamic nation on earth, under the banner of the OIC (Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation), served the “Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam” to the United Nations in 1993, which clearly states that Islam views “human rights” only through the lens of sharia?

As if it were scripted and well timed, in April 2019 Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, himself a sharia-adherent Muslim, began publicly discussing establishing a “Task Force on Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism,” which would include leaders from the Muslim Brotherhood’s Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Hamas/CAIR, and others.

Ellison is very close friends with the leader of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood and U.S. Hamas Nihad Awad, and works closely with other senior U.S. Muslim Brotherhood leaders.

Keith Ellison at podium with the leader of U.S. Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas Nihad Awad (far left) and the Muslim Brotherhood’s #2 man Oussama Jammal (far right)

On April 3, 2019, for the first time in Minnesota history, three “faith” leaders offered prayers prior to the State of the State address by Governor Walz. Who represented the Muslims? Muslim Brotherhood leader Imam Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota (MAS-MN).

This past December (2019), Governor Walz gave his formal consent to allow Muslims to keep resettling in Minnesota.

The Congresswoman representing Minneapolis, Minnesota is a Somali named Ilhan Omar. UTT has written about her several times, including here and here. The fact that she is a Member of Congress is evidence of how lost Minnesota is.

Hours after President Trump announced he would hold a rally at Target Center in downtown Minneapolis on October 10, 2019, Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo announced that uniformed officers were not allowed to attend.

This followed a tweet from Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey as seen below.

Below is a photo of Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo at his swearing-in ceremony with his son and daughter. The Chief’s son, Medaria Arradondo Jr., has a Sunnah beard and a shaved head. In Islam, a Muslim man shaves his head to draw closer to Allah, and this is often done by male Muslims attending hajj in Mecca Saudi Arabia. The below photo was taken on September 8, 2017, and the hajj that year ended on September 4.

In summary, Minnesota is in a very dangerous situation. Minnesota’s capital has a pro-jihad Attorney General and a pro-jihad Member of Congress. The Governor is working directly with people who are aiding and enabling jihadis.

What happens to truth speakers in this environment?

In January 2020, Catholic Priest Father Nick VanDenBroeke from the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Lonsdale, MN (Rice County) told his flock during his homily the U.S. “should not be allowing large numbers of Muslims asylum or immigration into our country.” He further said that Muslims were the “greatest threat to Christianity and to America” and that “our laws of immigration need to reflect that.”

This priest was accurately assessing the situation based on normative and universally accepted Islamic teachings. Yet Catholic Archbishop Bernard Hebda issued an apologetic statement regarding this event after the designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) publicly complained and called out Church leaders.

U.S. Islamic schools teach Muslim children that the purpose of Islam is to impose “Allah’s divine law”/sharia on all people on earth through all means necessary, including physical violence.

In fact, what Muslims teach their children in Islamic schools across Minnesota is exactly the opposite of what the non-Muslim leaders in Minneapolis are telling the people of Minnesota about Islam.

Now the question for the citizens of Minnesota is “What do I do?”

This is a war, and as UTT assessed in 2016, Minneapolis-St Paul is lost and deeply under the control of the communists and jihadis. It is likely that at some point in time, the U.S. military will have to retake Minnesota if the citizens are unable or unwilling to do it.

An adequate military analogy is that the capital of Minnesota has an enemy Division headquartered there. The citizens can organize and conduct small harassing and disruption operations inside Minneapolis to slow the enemy’s progress. Another option, or a simultaneous action, might be to organize citizens in the patriotic counties away from the state capital until they have the strength to bring real pressure on the communist and jihadi forces.

One thing is clear – Minneapolis is as overrun as any area of America. Federal government entities are not producing any positive net effects in this war in Minnesota.

It is time for Minnesota’s citizens to choose their course of action. Apathy and inaction are not among the list of choices.

Leaders must rise up, assess the situation, make a plan, and execute the plan.


John Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran, served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat. He is the President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).


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