Muslim Apologist in U.K. Begs Brannon Howse to Stop Exposing Their Islamic Dupe James White So Muslims Can Speak to Right Wing America & Christians

Brannon Howse received the following email on June 26, 2017. Former Muslim Shahram Hadian and Islamic expert Robert Spencer have verified this man’s blog in the U.K. that defends Islam and Sharia. His e-mail address matched his blog so it was not hard to verify the legitimacy of this e-mail. His website is called “AN ISLAMIC APOLOGETICS BLOG.”

However, don’t be shocked by the brainwashed James White fans that will not even see this for what it is—an admission by an Islamic apologist declaring that James White is not an Islamic expert, “is lacking knowledge and understanding” on Islam and that James White “did badly in the debate with Spencer, the guy clearly did not prepare for the debate nor have any meaningful knowledge about some of the subjects being discussed in the debate with Spencer.” Yet the Islamic apologist says they need James White to help them infiltrate churches and right wing America with their propaganda. 

Apparently, the Muslims see James White as vital for a good White-washing of true Islam. Here is the email Brannon received, and at the bottom of this article there are numerous links to more pro-Muslim websites praising James White and attacking Brannon Howse, Usama Dakdok, Shahram Hadian and Robert Spencer for opposing James White as an Islamic dupe. Here is the email from the Islamic apologist in the U.K:


Dear Brannon,

I am a Muslim. Please read what I have to say and think about it.

Please stop attacking James White. I, as a Muslim, admit he did badly in the debate with Spencer, the guy clearly did not prepare for the debate nor have any meaningful knowledge about some of the subjects being discussed in the debate with Spencer. As a result Muslims will respond to refute Spencer's comments - a colleague of mine had already done so and I may write a blog to add additional refutation and rebuke material for Spencer's followers to digest.

Sadly for now we are reliant on figures like Dr White at times as we just can't get a platform to speak to the fundamentalist Christian and right wing American audiences. Sure, Dr White is not ideal for us as he is lacking in knowledge and understanding (as well as having a Christian missionary agend) but put yourself in our shoes, would you not try to support the guy who is being fairer to your community?

Spencer has regularly cut Muslim voices off so we cannot speak to the audience he is looking to poison with anti-Muslim rhetoric and islamophobic misinformation. James has, although he censors and is selective in what he highlights, given Muslims a fairer crack at the whip.

But does it help you to keep talking about White, you're harming the opportunity for Muslim speakers, leaders and scholars to have further discussions with James White and other Christians. If you truly believe your religion is correct then why would you not welcome dialogue between representatives of your faith and Muslims? Brannon, there are many Islamophobes who just won't even listen to Muslims - at least White allowed and encouraged Christians to listen and talk to us. It increases understanding. Spencer is a Catholic, why would you promote a catholic over White - or do you think Catholics are saved too?

Please Brannon, leave White alone. Focus on bigger topics like abortion and gay marriage.





This pro-Islamic website is called: “Calling Christians to the Truth of Islam”



This pro-Islamic website mentions Brannon Howse and Usama Dadkok by name along with Sam Shamoun.


This Pro-Islamic website praises James White and condemns our broadcaster Usama Dadkok


This Pro-Islamic post praises James White


This pro-Islamic post defends James White and says those opposing White & Islam are doing it for money. They name our broadcaster Usama Dakdok and our radio guests Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller. Pro-Muslim website defends James White & joins the conspiracy theories of "powerful forces" behind those opposing his unbiblical interfaith dialogue


Geller and Spencer were almost killed by ISIS terrorists in Garland, Texas. Their bravery is not about money. Read this:


Brannon Howse & Shahram Hadian had their life threatened at the Sioux Falls Worldview Weekend by a man with 5 weapons and 1,200 rounds of ammunition. The Muslim man has since been charged with making terroristic threats against these two men.


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