Muslim Not Arrested For Showing 3 Pistols & 2 Assault Weapons in Threatening Video From Parking Lot of A Worldview Weekend

On Sunday night, April 9, 2017, we held our Worldview Weekend rally in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This was the first of five cities in five nights. I founded Worldview Weekend in 1993 and have hosted over 300 such conferences in hundreds of cities throughout America. This evening, however, and the next five conferences would be like nothing I have ever experienced.

Apparently an Islamic group in Sioux Falls held an event about 10 days before we arrived. The local paper reported that:

Taneeza Islam, a local immigration lawyer and organizer for the local Muslim community, mentioned the upcoming talk during a panel on hate crimes Thursday at the downtown library in Sioux Falls. She cited speakers like Howse and Hadian as part of a prejudicial undercurrent that inspires fear among ethnic minorities nationwide. 

We were informed by the Sioux Falls Police Department that the Islamic Center of Sioux Falls South Dakota had filed for a permit to protest outside our Worldview Weekend rally. Joining me would be my friend, Shahram Hadian. Shahram is a former Muslim from Iran and his website is

Shahram’s father was a high ranking military official in the Iranian military. He had the foresight, as a moderate Muslim, to see that Iran was about to go from being a secular government to being an Islamic government with the fall of the Shah and the revolution of Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979. Six weeks before the fall of the Shah, the Hadian family fled Iran.

Today Shahram is a Christian pastor. The ministry I founded now produces and distributes the television program of Shahram Hadian, along with the television program of former Egyptian, Usama Dakdok.

We are one of the few broadcast outlets that has had the courage and commitment to produce the television programs of these two men that are trying to warn America about the threat of Islam and Sharia that will fundamentally transform America and bring persecution to Christians, Jews, moderate Muslims, atheists, homosexuals, and anyone that does not submit to their ideology. If you doubt me, then look at what is happening in Europe. What is occurring in Europe now will be common place in America in less than ten years.

Shahram’s talk in Sioux Falls was titled, “Sabotaging America: Islam’s March Toward Supremacy.” My talk was titled,“The Growing Global Persecution of Christians,” and highlighted how Islamic Centers, Neo-Marxists, Neo-Evangelicals, The Vatican and globalists are working together to subvert our immigration laws and transform America. The goal includes change through conflict and a diffused and dispersed disintegration of the American Republic. Would could be opposed to such presentations? Well we were about to find out in Sioux Falls.

I believe the useful idiots in the fake news media fanned the flames that led to what was about to occur. We knew protestors would be on hand, and so to protect the 500 plus in attendance at our conference, we hired four off duty police officers. We had people standing and sitting on the floors as the hotel conference center ran out of chairs.

Shahram spoke first and then a few minutes into my talk a self-described Muslim man stood at the back of the auditorium and filmed his Koran for about 45 seconds before panning the crowd. We later found out he was live streaming on Facebook.

One of our off duty police officers approached this man that was holding a Koran, filming our event and wearing a T-shirt that said he was a Muslim. The officer asked the man to stop filming as we had announced at the beginning of the conference that no audio or video recording would be permitted. Upon being approached, the man announced immediately that he was leaving. The officer asked him if he had a concealed weapon on his person to which he said he did. The man also told the officer he was live streaming on Facebook. When the officer asked his name he told the officer “John Smith, the Muslim John Smith.” The Muslim man then proceeded out to his car in the parking lot where he filmed two more Facebook live videos. He was clearly angry and discussed that Shahram and I were promoting books. He seemed very upset with the resources he saw on our resource tables. He then began showing the camera 3 pistols, two assault weapons, and what appeared to be an extended magazine. With the brandishing of each weapon to the camera he said “be scared” or “be terrified.” In fact, he said “be terrified” twice. Now how is that not a terroristic threat? Please remember, he is in the parking lot of our Christian conference that is being attended by some 500 men, women and children. The attendees included a state representative and a state senator.

Click here to watch our one-hour TV program that includes the clips posted by this Muslim man

Click here to watch the shorter 20 minute TV program

As I spoke I could tell something was up because of the body language and clearly increased vigilance of the off duty police officers that my organization had hired. Upon the completion of my keynote presentation, I approached one of the officers and asked if everything was O.K. He said that something had occurred and he would brief me at the end of the evening. As I walked down the hall, I ran into another officer and I asked him for details of what had occurred. The off duty officer informed me that a Muslim man had come into our conference and then went out into the parking lot and filmed some very disturbing videos that were on his Facebook page and that I should watch them. Please remember that our conference still had at least another 90 minutes to go before we would conclude and depart from the facility.

I was shocked the Muslim man was not arrested for making what appears to me, and the many lawyers and law enforcement officials from across the country that have watched the videos, to be a threat for the purpose of fear. Remember in his videos made in the parking lot he tells us to “be afraid” and “be terrified” as he flashes his weapons and ammunition to the camera that was live streaming on Facebook.

On Monday morning I called an FBI agent that is a friend of mine. He told me he would send a link to the videos on to the appropriate FBI division. Based on a video made by the Muslim man that he posted on Facebook, we learned he received a visit from two FBI agents within hours.

After the police officials in the next city saw the Muslim man’s videos, they not only allowed us to hire two officers to be in the building of our conference, but they also placed several officers in squad cars around the conference center we were renting. We did not ask for that. They apparently thought the Muslim man’s videos warranted such action. This same thing occurred in Madison, Wisconsin.

After arriving in Green Bay for our third conference in five nights, I was approached by a Green Bay police officer in the conference center we had rented. The officer showed me a bulletin that he said the FBI had sent to the various Homeland Security Fusion Centers in or near the cities we were speaking in over the next remaining evenings. This is why the police departments were showing up without us even contacting them.

Why is it that the off duty Sioux Falls officers we hired, the FBI, the Onalaska Police Department, the Green Bay Police Department, and the Madison Police Department were all taking these videos and the security of our conferences so seriously? How then is it that this man has yet to be arrested or charged? How can his videos be seen as anything but a threat for the purpose of invoking fear or terror? South Dakota law seems to make it very clear this is a criminal act as the law reads:

22-8-13. Terrorist threat--Felony. Any person who threatens to commit a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), (includes use of a gun) or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to: (1) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (2) Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation; (3) Affect the conduct of any government or nation; or (4) Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services; is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony. Source: SL 2005, ch 120, § 189. 

When I called the Sioux Falls Police Department to file a formal complaint and obtain a case number, I was discouraged from doing so. The officer informed me that the local prosecutor or state prosector was not going to charge this Muslim man with anything and he was not going to go over their head and file my complaint. I could hardly believe what I was hearing. I believe my civil right was being denied so as not to upset the political chain of command? It took over 24 hours before I was allowed to file a formal complaint that was taken by a higher ranking officer.

At the end of the conference in Sioux Falls, a state representative by the name of Steven Haugaard gave me his business card. He informed me he was also an attorney. I am thankful he was there that evening. I called Steve on Monday and informed him of more details. Steve began to make phone calls to the local prosecutor and state attorney on behalf of our ministry. Steve is still working with us and will be with me as a guest on my national radio program this week.

Steve is one of the few brave elected officials in America, and apparently in Sioux Falls, that is not intimidated by the Muslims and their useful idiots in the media. The enemies of our Constitutional Republic are using political correctness to slander the good name and reputation of Americans that raise legal and moral concerns over the immigration crisis and radical Islamic centers that pose a national security threat to America and her citizens.

Apparently in America there is a legal standard for the elite (like Bill and Hillary Clinton) and the Neo-Marxists, Muslims, and revolutionaries. These groups can apparently get away with actions that would get the average American arrested and perhaps even incarcerated. The standard for the forgotten Americans that pay the taxes and thus the salaries of our government officials is not the same for the elite and revolutionaries. Such unequal treatment under the law, I believe, only serves to embolden the revolutionaries and enemies of our Constitutional Republic.

Sadly, the events in Sioux Falls are only affirming the warning that Shahram and I were giving that is evident by the titles of the keynote presentations. Perhaps that is the good that has come from the disgusting events in Sioux Falls. Please spread this article with the links so the hateful and intolerant videos go far and wide, and that this might be a teaching moment for the American people.

I warned on my national radio program the day after Donald Trump won the Presidency, that the Marxists and Muslims were going to become more aggressive and more dangerous as they are now desperate to not see any reversal of their agenda from the past few years. The fake news media is filled with Neo-Marxists that seem more than willing to give cover to their Marxist and Islamic revolutionary comrades and to assist in intimidating good men into doing nothing about the ongoing revolution in America.

Action Point: We have been told the Attorney General of South Dakota has seen the videos made by this Muslim man. Please call the Attorney General of South Dakota and ask him to charge this Muslim man with making a terroristic threat. Steve Haugaard, an attorney and State Representative has shown us the South Dakota law (See below) that he believes justifies such charges being brought.  Please call the off of the Attorney General and voice your concerns about this incident and the lack of legal action if you feel so led. Please be polite. The AG's office number is number is (605) 773-3215. 

22-8-13. Terrorist threat--Felony. Any person who threatens to commit a crime of violence, as defined by subdivision 22-1-2(9), (includes use of a gun) or an act dangerous to human life involving any use of chemical, biological, or radioactive material, or any explosive or destructive device, with the intent to: (1) Intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (2) Influence the policy or conduct of any government or nation; (3) Affect the conduct of any government or nation; or (4) Substantially impair or interrupt public communications, public transportation, common carriers, public utilities, or other public services; is guilty of making a terrorist threat. A violation of this section is a Class 5 felony. Source: SL 2005, ch 120, § 189. 


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