NEA: Let's celebrate communism! Brannon Howse Quoted in Explosive Worldnetdaily Column

The National Education Association is suggesting its teachers and NEA-connected schools celebrate China on the anniversary of the repressive communist regime's violent founding.
The NEA's website has a page called Diversity Events and lists Oct. 1 as the day to celebrate Chairman Mao's successful revolution.
University of North Carolina-Wilmington Criminal Justice professor Mike Adams says the NEA's position is borne out of intellectual arrogance.
"Well, the next thing you know they'll be celebrating the birth of Nazi Germany, but certainly that would be anti-climactic, because communist China has killed more people than Nazi Germany," Adams said.
"I think the only one way to describe the arrogant hubris of these pseudo-intellectuals is that they're 'holier than thou,'" Adams said.
"Well, the next thing you know they'll be celebrating the birth of Nazi Germany, but certainly that would be anti-climactic, because communist China has killed more people than Nazi Germany," Adams said.
"I think the only one way to describe the arrogant hubris of these pseudo-intellectuals is that they're 'holier than thou,'" Adams said.
The author of "Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel" says the Oct. 1 entry on the NEA's website calendar reveals the NEA isn't really interested in true diversity.
"I think this really shows they're not dedicated to the principle of diversity. You know the diversity scheme has always been an example of cultural Marxism," Adams observed.
Worldview Weekend President Brannon Howse says the NEA is also advocating multiculturalism.
"Today we call it political correctness, but the real term is cultural Marxism. It's also multi-culturalism, which is a denigration of the foundational Western worldview," Howse explained.
Adams believes the NEA's willing advocacy of cultural Marxism means it is anti-Western.
"It just shows they're contrarians and they'll celebrate anything that is contrary to our Judeo-Christian principles and our capitalistic society. It's just another example of identity politics," Adams stated.
Howse agreed with Adams on the basic point. He says he's not surprised that the NEA would celebrate communism.
"I'm appalled but not shocked because of the National Education Association's long love affair with communism," Howse said.
"Most Americans are going to be shocked but this helps us understand who the National Education Association really is. The NEA is a group of radicals who are opposed to parental authority, opposed to accountability and they're not for traditional education," Howse added.
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