Newt Gingrich and the Tofflers

Newt Gingrich and the TofflersWritten by Sam Blumenfeld
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is that unusual combination of politician, historian, intellectual, thinker, writer, consultant, and opportunist. He used his insider political know-how to earn $1.6 million from Freddie Mac as a consultant. What he advised the fools at Freddie Mac, we don't know. (Some of them are now under indictment for alleged fraud.) But that is probably why he entered the race on a very low key because he knows that he brings to the campaign some very heavy baggage.
Yet, Newt considers himself a Reagan conservative. He claims to adhere to the U.S. Constitution, but his record - both in and out of Congress - has demonstrated many deviations from from constitutionalism and conservatism. (See here and here.) At the same time, Newt is also a visionary who has written about the new, so-called Third Wave civilization, which is in the process of changing the world. He wrote a Preface for the Tofflers' 1995 book, Creating a New Civilization. Alvin and Heidi Toffler, a futurist couple, expect the New Civilization to replace traditional Christianity with Secular Humanism. In the Preface, Gingrich said:
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