In response to one of the predictable and common “Trump Betrays the Kurds” pro-impeachment stories, a reader of the libertarian Reason magazine noted, “They are Marxist guerrillas who want to establish an independent socialist state in their ancestral lands. They’ve been fighting for that goal for half a century and they can and will continue doing so without US support just as they always have.”

This reader, armed with common sense and true facts, understands something that most of the media pretend not to -- that our Kurdish “allies” are communist terrorists who have murdered thousands of people in Turkey.

Nobody expects the truth from the liberal “fake news” media. But conservative media seem just as ignorant or clueless as their left-wing counterparts. In raw displays of pro-Marxist propaganda, they are now calling Turkey’s border security operation “ethnic cleansing” or even “genocide.”

To its credit, the Wall Street Journal ran an article in 2015 about our "allies," openly identifying them as Marxist and even Maoist. The writers noted “the remarkable rise” of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, a “cultlike Marxist-inspired group” that evolved “from ragtag militia to regional power player.”

But this evolution was no accident. President Barack Hussein Obama’s CIA and Pentagon set up a PKK front, the YPG, then integrated that outfit into another front, the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). It was a shell game to disguise a pro-terror policy, justified in the name of defeating another terror group, ISIS.

The Journal article noted, "The Kurdish guerrilla groups pledge allegiance to Abdullah Ocalan, the PKK chief imprisoned on a Turkish island since 1999. From jail in 2005, he established PKK affiliates that evolved into today’s YPG, HPG and PJAK.The PKK and affiliates have car-bombed Turkish cities, kidnapped hundreds and killed Turkish and Kurdish state employees. In 2009, the U.S. Treasury Department designated their leadership as significant narcotics traffickers."

This is the group Obama directed money and arms to through the Pentagon, the CIA, and other Middle East countries. It is a classic Deep State operation that resulted in more suffering and death.  The same Deep State that ran this illegal undeclared war now wants to impeach Trump because he promised to end it.    

For its part, Turkey has every right to defend itself and its citizens. Consider that we have a bad enough problem with our porous southern border. If terrorists were killing Americans from a base in Mexico, we would demand an invasion of Mexico and a declaration of war on Mexico from the U.S. Congress.  That’s the kind of problem Turkey faces across its border.

Turkey’s anti-terrorism operations do not in the least constitute “ethnic cleansing,” as a writer for the Gatestone Institute claims. People may not like Turkey’s government or president, but the fact remains that the nation is a member of NATO and is defending its borders. Traditionally, it was an anti-Soviet American ally.

The Journal article, which is now ignored in the publication’s coverage of the plight of the “Kurdish fighters,” noted that the PKK practices an offshoot of Marxism it calls “Democratic Confederalism” and that it “aims to create a Maoist-inspired agrarian society that opposes landowning classes, espouses gender equality and distances itself from religion. Its guerrillas speak of a leaderless society of equals but also glorify Mr. Ocalan with fanatical devotion. " Ocalan was identified as a Soviet KGB agent by dissident KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko before he was poisoned by Russia over his knowledge of Russian terror networks.

So this group is not only a Marxist organization, it is a death cult. But its sympathy for “gender equality” undoubtedly made it popular with the left-wing in this country. (The Journal article focused on female Kurdish Marxist fighters).

A young writer for The New American, Alex Newman, had this all figured out years ago, when he wrote an article headlined, "Obama Showers Support on Communist Terrorists in Syria, Iraq,"  He noted, "All of the support [for the Kurdish PKK/YPG] means, in short, that the Obama administration was once again openly and unlawfully providing material support to a designated terrorist organization. Similar activities by an everyday U.S. citizen would and often do see that citizen promptly thrown into prison."

Looking at the history of this group, which is documented by various open and public sources, Newman pointed out, “The radical outfit [the PKK] was created in the late 1970s by communist militant Abdullah Ocalan, with backing from the mass-murdering Soviet dictatorship. Its primary goal was the creation of a Marxist-Leninist regime to rule over the Kurds in Turkey, with ambitions to one day rule over all Kurds from Iran, Iraq and Syria under a unified ‘Kurdistan.’”

He wrote, “Congress must take immediate action to rein in the Obama administration's deadly support for communist and Islamist terrorist groups, as well as its flagrant violation of anti-terrorism laws.”

But Congress did nothing. Instead, in the wake of Trump’s smart decision to withdrawal from this hell hole in Syria, the House passed H.J.Res.77, "Opposing the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria." It passed by a 354-60 vote, with all 60 dissenting votes coming from Republicans. All House Democrats voted for more war and the Marxist Kurds.

Obama was never impeached over his illegal foreign policy that was passed on to Trump.  And once President Trump decided to get the U.S. out of this no-win situation, members of both political parties and their lapdogs in the media went nuts, accusing Trump somehow of abandoning or betraying our “allies,” in this case Marxist terrorists.

Trump is right: Washington is insane. It seems like the Deep State is promoting Moscow’s objectives in the region.  When Trump pushes back, he is accused of serving Moscow’s interests. It’s a massive scam.

Now, in the pages of Reason magazine, we see the next phase in the anti-Trump campaign.  In an article entitled, “Let the Kurds Come to America,” the writer says we should open our borders to about one million Kurds and that, “Even if they all came to the U.S., America could absorb them without breaking a sweat.”

It’s Kurdistan in America, another source of votes for the “progressive” Rainbow Nation strategy of total power.


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