Nike Endorses Homosexual Civil Unions

Nike Endorses Homosexual Civil Unions, Next Step Marriage

Dear Friend of the Family,

According to USA Today, Nike has become the first major corporation in America to publicly endorse homosexual "civil unions," a back door move to legalize homosexual marriage.
Nike endorsed a bill in their home state of Oregon which would legalize "civil unions." Homosexual activists are using the "civil union" approach as a back door approach to the legalization of homosexual marriage. Once they get their "civil union" approved, they will then go to court to secure the right to marry.
While Vermont and Connecticut have adopted "civil unions" at the state level, Nike is the first major corporation in America to publicly approve this approach to secure homosexual marriage.
Homosexual activists are working to get other corporations to follow the lead of Nike. Many corporations are already donating large sums to homosexual organizations to support their agenda.
Sending a message to Nike will send a message to those corporations poised to support homosexual unions.
After you send your email, forward this to your friends and family.
Click Here To Send Your Message To Nike Now!
Sincerely,Donald E. Wildmon, ChairmanAmerican Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.


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